Huh, interesting. I’m autistic and I tend to personify objects, but if I’m with people I might turn it into a joke, because I mean come on, the idea that eg. a hammer is now happy because something happened to it is pretty funny.
I can’t be mean to NPCs in games. I say “sorry” to my robot vacuum if I bump it with a door or something, and I encourage it when it’s struggling with an obstacle. I think my electric kettle is happy when I use it to make tea. All in all it’s pretty funny that I know objects (probably!) don’t have emotions, but of course they have emotions.
You wouldn’t disappoint a paper.
And you wouldn’t download a car.
What if the car wants to be downloaded?
Statements like this just serve to normalize non-victim blaming.
Hey, not all cars that get downloaded are victims, after all. Some cars do want to get downloaded, and that’s totally fine.
I downloaded a car and now there’s a car in my flat and I don’t know how to get it out. My landlord is gonna be pissed
P2P transfer to porch
Instructions unclear, I now have two cars
Infinite car duplication glitch found!
Infinite car duplication glitch found!
Careful, that glitch is affecting your comments too. 😛
Just upload it again. That should make it disappear.
You didn’t even link the paper!
Here ya go.
I’m going to make that paper so fucking sad that it’ll need therapy for life.
Huh, interesting. I’m autistic and I tend to personify objects, but if I’m with people I might turn it into a joke, because I mean come on, the idea that eg. a hammer is now happy because something happened to it is pretty funny.
I can’t be mean to NPCs in games. I say “sorry” to my robot vacuum if I bump it with a door or something, and I encourage it when it’s struggling with an obstacle. I think my electric kettle is happy when I use it to make tea. All in all it’s pretty funny that I know objects (probably!) don’t have emotions, but of course they have emotions.