Charlotte did something I couldn’t: found a use for my old DVDs and game discs 😁

    • @Viking_HippieOP
      77 days ago

      Since I have one of each, Torties and Calicos are my joint favorites 😁

      • @Zachariah
        37 days ago

        Yeah, calicos are a close second place. Your cats are gorgeous! I’m sure they already know though.

        • @Viking_HippieOP
          27 days ago

          Thanks! Yeah, they probably do, the way I spoil them 😁🥰

  • FuglyDuck
    7 days ago

    Char is totally judging your choice in games and movies. totally.

    Don’t feel too bad. I built my first beowulf cluster out of my dad’s cave of obsolescence in the mid-90’s… pentium II’s and older. nobody noticed the giant networked-cabled-monstrosity with cables going all over the basement until he got home and wondered why his network was being weird.

    (I may have also borrowed his network switch.)

    “Oh. that’s cool but. uhm. WHY!!!?!?!”

    “PiMark” (i think that’s what it was called, anyhow. It was a benchmarking tool that would time your systems’ time to calculate Pi to x digits. Or you could donate cycles to calculate… more pi.)

    “uh. okay.”… “clean up when your done.”

    • @Viking_HippieOP
      47 days ago

      Char is totally judging your choice in games and movies. totally.

      In my defense, most of the movies are from a box of DVDs a family member wanted to get rid of, rather than anything I’ve actively chosen lol.

      That being said, all of the games except the first Guitar Hero (came with the Wii), a few of the movies and all of the burned discs under Gandhi are all me 😄