The Biden campaign is increasingly worried about a group that could determine an important chunk of Electoral College votes.

  • partial_accumen
    133 months ago

    I knew exactly which user lemmy posted this just by the headline.

      • partial_accumen
        33 months ago

        Aren’t you proud of your reputation? You’ve worked hard to cultivate it.

        • @return2ozmaOP
          -53 months ago

          Used to be Reddit famous, now I’m Lemmy famous. dab

  • Flying Squid
    93 months ago

    Weren’t you banned for posting negative articles about Biden?

    • mozz
      103 months ago

      More specifically, for confirming that a story being negative about Biden was the main criteria they were using to select stories to post, that they wanted to select and post bad stories about Biden specifically.

      I’m actually not convinced that ozma’s participation here is actually hurting Biden, just because it’s so blatant and has actually promoted on Lemmy the narrative “most criticism of Biden is made up from people trying to hurt him for political reasons, and here are a bunch of rebuttals to it” much more than it has promoted the face value narrative “Biden is bad and everyone thinks so.”

      I actually think what is a lot more harmful, is the flood of users who come from nowhere to post quick “Hey we all agree Biden hurt black voters and they shouldn’t vote for him” comments (or whatever) on any story having anything to do with him, to create a sort of false impression of consensus. ozma’s obvious enough with what he’s doing that people can pretty clearly see it. The fake accounts are harder to spot (enough so that maybe I sound crazy from saying I think that’s what’s going on). So like e.g. one place where you can see it really clearly is in the beehaw politics subs – most stories just get votes, and maybe like a couple of comments, but then anything Biden related gets this big dogpile of random accounts coming in to say more or less the exact same narrative about how he’s bad for some particular reason. To me it is fairly clear that it’s not just an organic population of people who care about Biden and Biden only and no other area of politics and mostly happen to have exactly the same opinion about him.

      (And also, I don’t think that confirming specifically that the reason you’re posting a clearly bad faith flood of artificially slanted articles, is exactly what it clearly is, should be the bar for getting banned. I have no idea what the actual criteria should be, because it seems like it doesn’t have an easy answer, but I don’t think the bar for banning someone should be their self-described intent.)

    • @return2ozmaOP
      -73 months ago

      Temp 3 day ban. I read the pinned post. I’ve posted plenty of other news articles that aren’t about Biden or Trump. I finally post news about latest polling that doesn’t paint Biden in a positive light and people lose their minds.

      Look at the article and poll data objectively.

        • @return2ozmaOP
          -43 months ago

          You’re looking at national polls. This article is about Milwaukee…

          Black voters in Milwaukee. An influential bloc that can determine if the state remains blue or flips this fall, these voters have serious and lingering doubts about Biden and whether he’s delivered on his promises to them. There’s no danger that Donald Trump will carry this historically Democratic city in November. But there is a considerable risk that an anemic showing in Milwaukee could cost Biden this critical swing state — and possibly the election.

          • Flying Squid
            63 months ago

            It sure would help if, when telling someone to look at the polls, you told me which polls.

            Can you link to the poll you’re talking about in specific? Or are you just talking about what this article claims?

  • @jeffwM
    33 months ago

    You gotta figure the RNC isn’t 100% idiots. There is, I assume, a reason they picked Milwaulkee for the convention

  • @return2ozmaOP
    3 months ago

    Stop telling Black voters you’re with them and you support them and actually do things to improve lives.

    • mozz
      83 months ago

      Manufacturing jobs, climate change, growth in unions

      IDK maybe it’s an unimpressively short list but each one fits the brief in pretty large-scale fashion

      The growth in 10th percentile wages is definitely going to disproportionately benefit black familes

      To look specifically at the racial dimension, here’s an overall graph of median income broken down by race. It’s kind of not ideal that it cuts off before showing 2023, but enough that you can see that in recent years they’re squeezing together (racial income inequality going down) for the first time in quite a while – not like income at the top going down is a real great thing, but that is partly the result of Biden’s deliberate policy decision to prioritize keeping employment high over keeping inflation low, so that the pain of the Covid recovery is shared among all segments of society instead of disproportionately focused on the most vulnerable as I think most US politicians would have done.

    • Flying Squid
      83 months ago

      I got indicted a second time and a third time and a fourth time, and a lot of people said that that’s why the Black people like me, because they have been hurt so badly and discriminated against, and they actually viewed me as I’m being discriminated against

      Donald Trump

      I’ve said this and I say it openly and not a lot of people dispute it: I’ve done more for Black Americans than anybody with the possible exception of Abraham Lincoln. Nobody has even been close.

      Donald Trump

      You’re living in poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs, 58 percent of your youth is unemployed. What the hell do you have to lose?

      Donald Trump