• TurboWafflz
    239 months ago

    Only because I can sell it, anything involving dealing with nvidia drivers is not an upgrade

    • Fonzie!
      39 months ago

      Myeah, a Radeon would make me far happier as Linux gamer

    • @[email protected]
      89 months ago

      Small portable home computing devices that you take with you and connect to a screen/ peripherals.

      Local GPU and AI power servers in your garage or rented as an online servers.

      I have been envisioning this for a while. My Desktop is in a state of “finished” i may build one more “gaming pc” after this but then i am hoping the future is ready.

      • @SidewaysHighways
        19 months ago

        How does one get started renting online servers? Are there any requirements or licenses or anything like that?

        99% uptime seems stressful but awesome

        • @[email protected]
          29 months ago

          You can spin up a cheap VPS in a matter of minutes for less than five dollars. You do not need anything but a credit card usually. If you want a dedicated server all to yourself then it gets significantly more expensive but no less straightforward. If you want to put your own hardware online you’ll have to look at a collocation seller or arrange something with an ISP.

          Of course if your home internet connection upstream is good enough, and your ISP permissive enough you could also just do dynamic DNS and have everything running off that.

        • @[email protected]
          9 months ago

          Personally i am huge fan of owning my own data so i only have experience with self hosting from a home server.

          You can probably find places pretty easily if you look for “cloud computing”, “cloud gpu”

          I am pretty sure you don’t need licenses to start. Renting a last gen gpu may be expensive though (pay by the hour) this way of decentralized compute is becoming more and more common for developers but still has a while to go.

          I recommend waiting a few more years and keeping an eye on how services like nvidia cloud gaming evolve and how mainstream working with virtual machines becomes for the average office worker.

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      this is part of the reason i want modular laptops.

      how come we could come up with standards to install dgpus in the 70s but can’t now? give me a convenient soc with possibility of upgrading later if i want to, framework style.

  • @[email protected]
    9 months ago

    Having spent five years on Linux with an nVidia card on my previous laptop, I can safely say my thrills are exactly nil. Hearing the words “nVidia Optimus” will legit put me in a bad mood.