onion article titled "tourist immediately breaks 34 sacred local customs while deboarding plane

  • @Samuql
    173 months ago

    Yeah this is crazy. If you want to find more Google “Terrorist rule 34”

  • @[email protected]
    163 months ago

    This reminded me of when I was hiking in Peru once and needed to pee badly. We stopped after a while, and I went to relieve myself behind some rocks. Five minutes later, much to my despair, the guide explained that the rock formation was sacred to the Incas.

    • @[email protected]
      53 months ago

      If it makes you feel any better, chances are that countless birds have peed on those specific rocks through history.

      • @nullboi
        18 days ago

        Old comment but birds have a cloaca, so they piss and shit out of the same hole. It’s even worse than you imagined.