Made it to the Owl or Emma fight. Tried both. Could beat neither. I did beat Emma, just not Isshin. This game was a struggle pretty much the entire way for me. So I throw in the towel. Maybe my age (58) has taken its toll on me in the reflex/brain department that I feel need to be rock solid for this game. But hey, I beat the 2 apes and all of the headless, 4 of them so I guess I did fair.

[Original Post]

  • @Sanctus
    43 months ago

    99% of shinobis stop just before they end their Lord’s immortality.

  • @[email protected]
    43 months ago

    Fair enough. I quit games or cheat all the time. There’s often a level of commitment to these games for which I just don’t have the time or inclination.

  • @yesman
    23 months ago

    Sekiro might be my favorite game, but it’s not for everyone. According to Steam global achievements, only half of the people who purchased the game get past Lady Butterfly.

    Right now I’m on the fence about the Elden Ring DLC because I’m not sure I want to invest the effort on what I know will be frustrating bosses.