• @Lost_My_Mind
    377 months ago

    Yeah, I don’t believe that to be true.

    • @[email protected]
      127 months ago

      Even if it somehow were true in his magical alternative fact reality, him saying this doesn’t help his numbers lol…

      • @Lost_My_Mind
        77 months ago

        Here’s what I don’t get…

        He spends so many decades spewing racist bullshit including having a substancial role in getting 5 completely innocent black men locked up for attacks in central park during the 80s. Despite indisputable evidence that those men had nothing to do with the rape, he STILL said they were released too early.

        Somehow this helps his popularity with his racist base, because they’re racist shitheads too. So they relate to him on that level. He spends 2012-2016 calling Obama a criminal. His base eats it up.

        He spends all of the 2016 campaign calling Hillary a criminal. And Joe Biden’s son a criminal. He prints up all these campaign merch items with the slogan “Lock her up”.

        He spends all of the 2016 election calling all mexicans low class criminals who only want to jump the border to sell drugs, and murder babies.

        Everything I’ve said has polled well with his base. Because his base is open and willing to say they don’t like blacks, and they don’t like mexicans. They willingly believe that being black or mexican makes you a criminal. Their thoughts, not mine btw.

        So, if your entire base looks down on these groups for being criminals, and now your guy is a 34X convicted criminal, then I understand their reaction to just claim the convictions were a fraud. It’s their only coping mechinism, to say the whole thing is a sham.

        Buuuuuut, if you look down on blacks and mexicans “for being criminals”, and you excuse your guy for being a criminal as part of a sham, theeeeeen…why would they be ok with him basically saying “Whats up, homies? Whats up fellow criminals? I’m one of you! Vote for me!”

        Wouldn’t his base be disenfranchised by their guy chumming it up with the groups they look down on? Shouldn’t that go against everything they stand for?

        Again, hypothetically speaking, since all of this is make believe anyways.

        • @MumboJumbo
          57 months ago

          I think he’s being so transparent about being opportunistic and using them for their votes that even his smoothed brained base can see it and think it’s okay.

  • @xc2215x
    17 months ago

    It isn’t the mugshot.

  • @[email protected]
    7 months ago

    I wonder if there’s actually some truth to his claim. The experience of blacks with the justice system is quite different than that of whites, so I wouldn’t be surprised if their attitude towards a candidate with felony convictions would also be different. Perhaps they’re more likely to believe the narrative of an unfair prosecution than white people are.

    • @Twentytwodividedby7
      247 months ago

      I seriously doubt that communities marginalized by the justice system would ever take claims of unfair prosecution seriously from possibly the most privileged white guy ever…

    • @[email protected]
      117 months ago

      Are you saying you dislike felons, so black people must think highly of them? Like, did this actually make sense in your head when you typed it out?!?

      • @[email protected]
        -77 months ago

        No, I’m saying that we know black people are less likely to trust the police than white people are, and so it seems reasonable that they might also trust the courts less too. That doesn’t imply some supervillain-like love of crime.

        • @[email protected]
          37 months ago

          That’s a rather far cry from any kind of approval for the orange idiot. Not trusting the courts in no way implies any kind of approval for a convicted felon. Any apparent connection is superficial, at best, if not a completely false equivalency.

          No. There is absolutely nothing to his ridiculous claims. That said, saying stupid crap like this may, in fact, reduce his support, since most people don’t really like having their opinions generalized like that. So hopefully, he keeps shooting himself in his tiny little feet (something about guys with small hands/feet would fit)…

        • Flying Squid
          37 months ago

          I’m white and I don’t trust the police or the courts at all. That doesn’t mean I sympathize with Trump. I don’t know why that would be any different if I was black, I can see how police would treat me if I were black and I have the ability for empathy.

          So I’m guessing most black people don’t sympathize with Trump. And some of them probably are wondering why he doesn’t sympathize with the Central Park Five after he claims that the justice system is so unfair. I sure am.

          • @[email protected]
            7 months ago

            I should clarify. I’m not saying that most people who distrust the justice system are going to like Trump more after his conviction. I’m also not saying that I think he’s likely to reform the justice system in a way that helps people affected by racial bias.

            However, many of Trump’s supporters consider his conviction evidence that he’s genuinely an anti-establishment candidate rather than proof of wrong-doing. (See the variety of “I’m voting for the convicted felon” merchandise.) This attitude requires a distrust of the justice system. We’ve already seen that Trump’s conviction hasn’t hurt his poll numbers very much and that he currently has more black support than he did in '16 or '20 so I’m saying that his conviction might actually lead to a small increase in support for him from black people (the majority of whom are still never going to support him) because more of them distrust the justice system.

            • Flying Squid
              17 months ago

              His supporters supporting him is not news and I seriously doubt any black person supports him because of his conviction unless there is something seriously wrong with them. Because, again, he supports the conviction of innocent black people. And he still won’t say that they were innocent.