Brand new community and already the content is pouring in, and you’ve made a card bot too! Y’all are impressive. I feel that with the dedicated folks running this place this community will flourish, and I’ll be here to see watch it happen. Cheers

  • AndrewM
    41 year ago

    Thanks for the kind words @Rogue_General! I too have been super impressed with the wonderful people coming in so far and would love to see the community grow into its own.

    We have some other ideas for getting repeat content in and for spoiler seasons that we’re working on. All feedback is encouraged too!

    • @Rogue_GeneralOP
      1 year ago

      Just one feedback/suggestion for the card bot, it appears to work only in response to comments and not posts. Is it possible to have it work for posts as well? Minor feedback I know but just thought I’d mention it.

      • AndrewM
        1 year ago

        Good catch, yeah I noticed that one failed when it was posted and then re-added them as comments. I think either the bot had crashed or the number of cards was too much but I’ll check with @mike to make sure it’s resolved.

        I just posted with 2 cards mentioned and that worked.