Continuing the trend of interface improvements coming to Shattered Pixel Dungeon in the next update, I’m adding a new window when you try to upgrade items!

Currently the only way to know how the stats of an item change with upgrading is to actually spend an upgrade scroll, but with this new interface you’ll get a helpful little summary first! The window includes almost every stat in the game that scales with item level.

  • @SeemSurprised
    68 months ago

    Ooh this looks great! Small request though, can the “upgrade” and “back” buttons be swapped? In most other UIs (both in the game and elsewhere) the confirm/primary function is on the right, with the cancel option on the left. Either way, this seems like a great QoL change!

  • @Lilly1509
    58 months ago

    This looks sooo nice! Definitely a feature I didn’t know I needed :D

  • @Pickyfan
    48 months ago


    Definitely a big help for newer players

    Will we able to see how much power it gives to enchantments and glyphs when upgraded?

    • 00-EvanOPM
      68 months ago

      I decided against showing enchant and glyph stats atm as they’re already less specifically described by the game, and I don’t think that info is as critical to player decision-making as seeing direct stat scaling is.

    • @MrRedstoner
      18 months ago

      Strength required. Probably trying to use a shorter description to make the UI look consistent

  • @polyduekes
    28 months ago

    just a random question but it won’t be like this for unidentified items right? like you won’t show the change in weight, damage etc if the item is unidentified right?

    • 00-EvanOPM
      48 months ago

      If the item is unidentified then it’ll always show stats as if it going from +0 to +1, and will let you know that.

      • @polyduekes
        28 months ago

        ah, that sounds great, cool qol changes you are bringing then, looking forward to them :)

  • @[email protected]
    28 months ago

    Nice, but the back button still spends the scroll, right? That’s how it works right now as well unless something changed recently, you use your scroll or it goes poof.

    Then again I am wondering why there needs to be a back button (or as of now, cancel button) if you are just being asked if you are sure, since you are going to lose the scroll anyway. Like, in what situation would that be something one would want to do?

    • 00-EvanOPM
      88 months ago

      The cancel button does not spend the scroll in this case, as the game isn’t revealing any info the player shouldn’t be able to know beforehand. Cancel will kick you back to selecting an item, which will only force-use the scroll if it wasn’t already IDed.

  • @CrayonRosary
    18 months ago

    The best part of this change is the ability to make sure you’re enchanting the right item. I’ve only enchanted the wrong thing 3 or 4 times over hundreds of games, but it really sucks.

  • Trashbox_Bobylev
    18 months ago

    The horror I will have to feel on adapting this for using millions of scrolls at once…