Donald Trump’s overarching narrative for the debate was that Joe Biden has diminished U.S. power by opening the border and allowing millions of “Illegal immigrants” released “From prisons, jails and mental institutions” to come into the country to “Take our jobs,” overwhelm our health care and Social Security systems, and rape and kill us.

Rather than pointing out Trump’s utter lack of concern for people’s well-being, Biden’s rebuttal fell into the trap of trying to respond to Trump’s tirades, allowing the former president to control the agenda and tone of the debate.

Trump used this as an opportunity to point out how little progress has been made under Biden and that Biden helped drive these disparities through his embrace of the “Superpredator” myth in the 1990s.

While many in the Biden administration and its key constituencies favor dialing back criminalization, they feel that it is politically impossible to state that clearly and openly, leaving the president to quietly support some good programs, while publicly leaning into a police-centered crime control strategy that will never be able to compete with Trump’s undiluted authoritarianism.

Biden’s weak policies and incoherent responses during the debate may give us another four years of Trump and his drive to turn the U.S. into a despotic kleptocracy.

  • Flying Squid
    633 months ago

    No shit. He’s been pro-police for years.

    You know what he hasn’t done? Pledged to be a dictator.

      • Flying Squid
        313 months ago

        Has he lied about not being a dictator? Because if not, he’s better than the dictator.

        • @[email protected]
          -63 months ago

          What dictator? Trump was in office already and I don’t remember him being a dictator. That’s just MSM talking points. He never even said he wanted to be a dictator. He made a joke about the left freaking out about it…and they did.

          • Flying Squid
            -13 months ago

            It’s a weird “joke” that he keeps repeating in all earnestness.

            Funny how every time Trump says something atrocious, his fans excuse it as a joke.

            Also funny how Trump has never said this dictator thing was a joke. You’ve just decided it is.

  • @[email protected]
    383 months ago

    Such an ignorant, lazy take.

    How the heck are they complaining about biden’s take on immigration when he increased the border control budget so much despite Republican protests against border control?

    What happened is the opposite of what this article is talking about.

    “Biden’s weak policies and incoherent responses during the debate may give us another four years of Trump”

    No, the election May give us another 4 years of trump.

    It’s an election.

    Biden has very strong immigration policies, this article doesn’t know what it’s talking about.

        • @PugJesus
          3 months ago

          I would point out that CNN has become increasingly right leaning this past decade, but I recognize your username as one of the unfortunate few right-wing types that has inexplicably decided to dip your toes into the Fediverse.

          Don’t really think you’re welcome here.

            • @PugJesus
              193 months ago

              In general one shouldn’t be welcoming to authoritarians, no.

              • @PolydoreSmith
                -43 months ago

                Biden regularly ignores the express will of his constituents with regards to Israel, drug decriminalization, judicial overreach, tax reform, and immigration. His DOJ just forced a foreign national to plead guilty under US espionage laws. That’s all authoritarian as hell.

                Also, the article specifically mentions policing and criminalization with regards to immigration and your response is that he TRIED to increase funding to ICE but the right wouldn’t let him. But that’s the whole point - more cops is not the answer. Abolish ICE. Giving them more money is the same solution Trump wants to implement. You realize we’re still putting kids in cages, right?

          • @[email protected]
            -133 months ago

            I looked to see if I was welcome here and this is what I found… The Fediverse is a decentralized, federated social network where individuals can connect with others who share similar interests and values. It’s a space where people from all walks of life can come together, share their thoughts, and engage in respectful discussions.

            No discrimination or exclusivity

            The Fediverse is built on the principles of inclusivity and diversity. There is no central authority controlling the network, and each server (or instance) is run independently by its administrators. This means that each server can set its own rules and guidelines, but there is no overarching policy that discriminates against individuals based on their political beliefs, including Republicans.

            Diverse perspectives and communities

            The Fediverse is home to a wide range of communities and servers, each with its own unique character and focus. You can find servers dedicated to specific topics, hobbies, or interests, as well as servers that cater to specific political ideologies or beliefs. This diversity allows individuals to connect with like-minded people and engage in discussions that resonate with them.

            • @PugJesus
              123 months ago

              “There’s no overarching policy banning you” /=/ “You’re welcome where decent people frequent”

              If you have a sense of pattern recognition, I’m sure you’ll realize this. Eventually.

          • @[email protected]
            -133 months ago

            I looked to see if I was welcome in the fediverse and this is what I found… The Fediverse is a decentralized, federated social network where individuals can connect with others who share similar interests and values. It’s a space where people from all walks of life can come together, share their thoughts, and engage in respectful discussions.

            No discrimination or exclusivity

            The Fediverse is built on the principles of inclusivity and diversity. There is no central authority controlling the network, and each server (or instance) is run independently by its administrators. This means that each server can set its own rules and guidelines, but there is no overarching policy that discriminates against individuals based on their political beliefs, including Republicans.

            Diverse perspectives and communities

            The Fediverse is home to a wide range of communities and servers, each with its own unique character and focus. You can find servers dedicated to specific topics, hobbies, or interests, as well as servers that cater to specific political ideologies or beliefs. This diversity allows individuals to connect with like-minded people and engage in discussions that resonate with them.

    • @[email protected]
      -223 months ago

      Strong immigration policies? It took him 3.5 years to do anything about the border after undoing everything Trump had in place. And Republicans were the first ones that came up with a border plan that would actually work called HR2. Dems shut it down.

      • Flying Squid
        203 months ago

        Remember when the Democrats offered the Republicans every single thing they wanted on immigration and they voted against it because Trump wanted them to?

        Oops. Guess they could have gotten their border plan that you claim would have worked and decided to not do it because it wasn’t politically expedient.

          • Flying Squid
            23 months ago

            Dude, you’re regurgitating shit from an AI as if it’s true. You have no room to criticize anyone’s so-called talking points.

        • @[email protected]
          -43 months ago

          Wrong. They didn’t offer Republicans everything they wanted. That’s just completely false. HR2 was a much better bill at getting the border under control, or even just reinstating the executive actions Trump had in place before Biden took office.

          • Flying Squid
            03 months ago

            Ah, the “we didn’t get a rainbow and a pony” defense.

      • @[email protected]
        3 months ago

        Republicans: we don’t know, separate children from their families, let some of the kids die, cause generational trauma while withholding funding and processing.

        Biden: let’s clean up the Republican mess again, institute fair and rational expedited immigration processing with limited capacity per day that keeps families together.

        Trump did immigration “first” If you pretend he had a sound immigration policy, which he didn’t, he preferred detention and ignoring the problem, and you also ignore every president before him and then also you laud irresponsible choices that harm people and cost more money.

        • @[email protected]
          -43 months ago

          Trump kept a lot of them out of the country, and you’re pretty naive if you think kids aren’t getting separated from families or getting killed now. Human a sex trafficking are at an all time high right now. And detention at least kept them from killing and raping our citizens.

  • Snot Flickerman
    173 months ago

    I mean, not trying to bash Biden, just being fucking honest here.

    What did people expect from the guy who responded to years of anti-police protests that were basically asking “please stop killing us” that were responded to by police by becoming a police riot by… *checks notes… massively increasing police budgets nationwide.

  • TerkErJerbs
    113 months ago

    What’s this? The architect of the 1994 crime bill who helped the Dems get elected on a platform further right than the GOP on policing and prisons is pro-police? Huh. TIL.

  • @[email protected]
    -163 months ago

    Garbage article. Trump passed a crime bill President Donald Trump signed the First Step Act into law in 2018, a bipartisan bill aimed at reforming the criminal justice system. The act was a significant step towards addressing the issues of mass incarceration, sentencing reform, and reentry programs.

    Key Provisions:

    Eliminated the “three strikes” life sentencing provision for some offenses
    Expanded judges’ discretion in sentencing for non-violent crimes
    Made the sentencing guidelines of the Obama-era Fair Sentencing Act of 2010 retroactive
    Required the Attorney General to develop a risk and needs assessment system to assess the recidivism risk and criminogenic needs of federal prisoners
    Provided funding for rehabilitative programs to help inmates successfully reenter society


    The First Step Act has helped to reduce the number of people in federal prison
    The act has also expanded access to rehabilitative programs, which has led to a decrease in recidivism rates
    The law has provided a second chance for many individuals who were previously incarcerated, allowing them to reintegrate into society and find employment