President Joe Biden’s family used a Sunday gathering at Camp David to urge him to stay in the race and keep fighting despite his dreadful debate performance, and some members criticized how his staff prepared him for the faceoff, according to four people familiar with the discussions.

Biden spent the day sequestered with first lady Jill Biden, his children and grandchildren. It was a previously scheduled trip to the presidential retreat in Maryland for a photo shoot with Annie Leibovitz for the upcoming Democratic National Convention.

But the gathering was also an exercise in trying to figure out how to quell Democratic anxiety that has exploded following Thursday’s performance.

While his family was aware of how poorly he performed against Donald Trump, they also continue to think he’s the best person to beat the Republican presumptive nominee. They also believe he is capable of doing the job of president for another four years, according to the people who were not authorized to speak publicly about internal discussions and spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.

    • @Clinicallydepressedpoochie
      8 months ago

      This whole media narrative of “Biden should step down” is all fabricated.

      All fabricated to help trump.

      Trump should step down. Oh ya, we know he won’t and it would just be dismissed by the people it should matter to. This narrative of Joe stepping down is an attack designed to go after people with morals and standards. Which is sad, that being principled will be exploited by our so called 4th estate.

      Only someone voting democrat can agree in ernest that someone with limited mental capacity should not be tasked with the job of president. Why this is true, is the entire problem.

      • @[email protected]
        18 months ago

        Not necessarily, it’s just a common tactic in politics to “leak” something to the media to make a positive story seem more credible by making people think it’s some hush hush secret.

        So it may well be true, but I suspect the messaging is coordinated by the Biden campaign.

  • @eran_morad
    608 months ago

    I’d love to be wrong here, but i think we’re totally fucked.

    • @btaf45
      188 months ago

      If during the debate, the building had collapsed and accidently killed everyone in the room, Americans would be overjoyed at our luck.

      • @eran_morad
        68 months ago

        This is not meant in an unkind way: I think you’re wrong. But I hope you’re right.

    • John Richard
      -148 months ago

      Not if Biden steps down. Having a new candidate puts some much needed energy into this election cycle. I’m just worried Hillary will rear her head.

      • @[email protected]
        58 months ago

        There is still time for Biden to do the right thing and step down, but the window is closing fast. If this is such an important election where we choose democracy over fascism, you’d think they would act to preserve the nation’s best interests.

        It’s also extremely dangerous at this late juncture…Hillary isn’t the only frightful replacement being bandied about by the establishment right now. I’ve also seen calls for Kamala or Jeffries to step in, which would be disastrous in both cases.

        • John Richard
          8 months ago

          The issue with Kamala is people can now say she’s known about Joe for a while and kept it hidden for selfish reasons. I think there are lot of Dems that could do better than Biden, but there isn’t much time left like you said. The sooner, it shows that Biden himself isn’t just power hungry, and people will be empathetic given what they saw during the debate. I don’t see how it would hurt the odds for a party to do what is right for once.

  • Verdant Banana
    8 months ago

    86 years old if he get reelected and makes the full four year and Trump would have 82 years on him by the end of his term if he won the election


  • @oakey66
    238 months ago

    Keep the elder abuse going.

  • Chainweasel
    218 months ago

    I understand I’m voting for Kamala Harris with my vote for Biden, but I don’t think she could beat Trump.
    There’s a lot of independents still on the fence between Trump and Biden (for some reason) and I think that anyone who’s even entertaining the idea of voting for Donald Trump would never vote for a woman of color.
    So, unfortunately because we’re so late in the election year, I think we’ll have to vote for the old white guy to keep the old white felon out of the Whitehouse.
    The only silver lining to all of this is that they’ll probably both be dead before the next election and we can firmly remember to take age into account in the next primary if Biden wins.
    If Trump wins there won’t ever be another primary or general election and I think a lot of people lose focus on that because Biden is 2½ years older than Trump.

    • John Richard
      8 months ago

      We still have 4 months. Biden can be replaced in a heartbeat right now so we don’t get Trump. Biden stepping down is likely to increase Democrat support in all elections. The longet they wait the more likely it is that we’ll end up with more losses other than the Presidency.

      • LeadersAtWork
        28 months ago

        I see this parroted a bit and am not convinced most of the people who repeat it know what they’re talking about. On what do you base this belief on? How do you know that voter turnout will increase if Biden steps down?

        • @tamal3
          38 months ago

          Ezra Klein has had some good content on this topic recently. He talks about how a new candidate might be agreed upon at the upcoming Democratic National Convention, and the positives and negatives that might result from that switch. The drama of it all would likely lead to increased political engagement, too.

        • John Richard
          -38 months ago

          Pre debate and postdebate polls, aggregate sampling data, testing public sentiment on social media, comparing similarities to polls for Clinton to drop run in 2016 for Bernie who was polling higher, etc.

          • LeadersAtWork
            48 months ago

            I suppose I walked into that one. Though those are big words. It doesn’t explain anything, however. Once again, you seem to be parroting. Understanding is the key here, which is what I meant under it all.

            You see, the issue we face today, one of many in fact, is that people tend to read a headline, listen to a sentence, do “research” all in the name of confirming their personal theories or perspectives, not challenge them. Thus why I ask.

            Because most won’t have the slightest idea, though they sure will be able to repeat what they heard.

  • @solrize
    8 months ago

    Staying in and keeping fighting is a lot to ask from a guy in his condition. Maybe he could drop out and keep fighting, or possibly stay in and quit fighting. Those would both be easier, and it doesn’t much matter at this point anyway.

    • @[email protected]
      28 months ago

      It matters quite a bit for the presidency, the progressive policies of the United States and its active collaborations on climate with other countries.

      He’s been doing a good job for 4 years, he was an old man on TV for 90 minutes.

      Vote him in and let him keep doing a good job.

      • John Richard
        -98 months ago

        He spent 7 days rehearsing for the debate to remember that he beat medicare. Just pick someone else so that we aren’t all complicit in elder abuse and let’s win this thing. Biden was good at supporting genocide… I’ll give him that.

        • @[email protected]
          8 months ago

          Please, it’s clear “elder abuse” is another limp maga slogan.

          You vote for the rapist if you want, I’m voting for the good president who has achieved successful policies that benefit hundreds of millions.

          • John Richard
            -78 months ago

            What is your problem man? I’m not MAGA. I’m just not going to be in a cult and pretend Biden is fine. He clearly isn’t fine. Keep your head in the sand. Go call your fellow Dems MAGA and rapist supporters. That’ll certainly help your efforts to beat Trump. I thought supporting elder abuse would be MAGA level politics, but I guess not.

            • @[email protected]
              8 months ago

              Nobody is pretending Biden is “fine”, I’m saying that he was supported for his positive progressive policies that benefited hundreds of millions of people for four years, and everyone is suddenly siding with maga trolls throwing a hissy fit because the old guy who did a great job as president is still old.

              Any progressive listening to your limp maga crap is showing themself to be nearly as susceptible to playground taunts as you lot.

              • @Ensign_Crab
                18 months ago

                Nobody is pretending Biden is “fine”

                What garbage. You’re pretending that he’s not only fine, but a progressive. I’m not sure which is more absurd.

              • John Richard
                -48 months ago

                He isn’t just old, but struggled to remember most of what he spent the previous 7 days prepping for. He did an okay job domestically… he had some wins but he also did some really stupid and terrible things like threatening to arrest railroad workers for demanding better working conditions, and saying how much he is a Zionist. He didn’t fix ERISA, housing or inflation. If we’re comparing him against Trump then not enabling domestic extremist is a good job.

                • @[email protected]
                  8 months ago

                  There you go making things up again because you don’t have a leg to stand on.

                  Biden was a great first-term president, he’ll be a great second term president.

                  Keep fuming and playing make believe, it’s pretty funny.

    • @halcyoncmdr
      318 months ago

      The time to switch candidates was 6-8 months ago. It’s too late at this point, at least for US politics. Too many “undecided” voters seem to think they need a year to get to know a candidate.

      If they were to switch from Biden, Trump would win in a landslide without having to say a damned thing or remind anyone he existed between now and then.

      This country is fucked.

      • Voytrekk
        328 months ago

        Ya, he should have never sought re-election, but it’s past that point.

        • Orbituary
          358 months ago

          And yet, it’s exactly the point. He broke the biggest campaign promise that caused me to vote for him. Now we’re exactly where we don’t want to be.

          I have to vote for him because the alternative is infinitely worse. I don’t think he can win. Fuck the DNC and Biden for not foreseeing this and sticking to the promise.

          • @[email protected]
            378 months ago

            The DNC has been snatching defeat from the jaws of victory my whole life. I’m so sick of this shit.

            • @jaybone
              28 months ago

              I still remember when Obama gave us all health care. Good times.

              • @[email protected]
                38 months ago

                Obamacare did not give us healthcare. It mandated purchasing insurance and made insure follow more human rules. There are still plenty of people without insurance who instead take tax penalties every year. Sure it’s better that what we had but it’s not healthcare like normal nations have.

                • @jaybone
                  28 months ago

                  I was being sarcastic.

          • @tyrant
            148 months ago

            It’s like Ruth bader Ginsberg all over again

            • Orbituary
              78 months ago

              If she had stepped down when Obama asked her to, we wouldn’t have this current SCROTUS. Seems like Obama had some foresight about aging. Too bad Biden’s handlers didn’t.

          • @[email protected]
            148 months ago

            I think you’re suggesting that he committed to being a 1-term president as part of his campaign. You might be remembering a bunch of sensationalized articles based on a Politico article where an unnamed “prominent advisor” said “he won’t be running for reelection” and a bunch of other mostly unnamed people also suggested he wouldn’t/shouldn’t run again. Which led to tons of other articles, which parroted it as fact.

            The Politico article even further went on to be updated after it was first published to add a quote from Biden’s deputy campaign manager and communications director at the time, which stated Biden was “not privately considering declining to run for re-election.”

            So he never made that commitment and the only official communication refuted the speculation.

            Reference Politico - Biden Single Term

            Slate even covered this recently in another article, where they were unable to locate any official commitment related to serving a single term.

            Reference Slate - Biden Single Term

            Disclaimer: I also wish we had another option, just presenting some evidence. Maybe it’ll make you feel better with your choice.

        • @[email protected]
          158 months ago

          Back then we were told “But no party has run a different candidate when they had a setting president that was eligible for reelection.” There was never a choice.

        • NiHaDuncan
          48 months ago

          Oddly reminiscent of this. I just wish we got a chance for Bernie.

      • @tamal3
        18 months ago

        It’s not too late. Imagine if Biden actually had a health crisis between now and November and had to drop out. No way would the Democratic party not galvanize to find a replacement.

        • @halcyoncmdr
          18 months ago

          That’s an entirely different situation voters would be responding to, and they would only be doing it because they would have no other option. Even then, it 100% would end up being Kamala Harris and a running mate they scramble to find, only because they need the name recognition. Those are totally different circumstances, extremely obvious and avoidable, but still technically not under their direct control like the entire cycle up to now.

          What we have now is the party’s unwillingness to accept that Biden needed to be told not to run again, so we could get a real primary and voters actually deciding. They are only now starting to question the shitty decision when it’s becoming glaringly obvious that an 80+ year old shouldn’t be running again and younger blood is needed.

          The party is run by the old fucks though, and they don’t want to give up what they have to the younger generations. Look at AOC’s seat, it’s the perfect encapsulation of the DNC’s belief that the old fucks should be running everything.

          AOC handily beat Joseph Crowley in the primary with 57% of the vote (against the #3 Dem at the time, a 20 year Congressional veteran, it’s unprecedented), and he still refused to drop out. Instead he stayed on the ballot under a third party where he again lost, with only 7% of the vote. 7% despite being the “safe” politician, with 20 years experience, #3 in the party, the incumbent with all the name recognition in the world, being challenged by an upstart young female “bartender”. The old fucks don’t want to give it up, and will do anything to prevent that, even losing the election entirely to the Republicans, because they aren’t doing it for the country, they’re running for themselves.

      • @WoahWoah
        8 months ago

        Interestingly, according to the most recent Ipsos poll where they polled different candidates against Trump, every major democratic candidate lost in the polling to Trump including Kamala (who did poll I think one point better than Biden), some by a lot…

        Except Michelle Obama, who won in the polling against Trump by 11 points (50-39), i.e. by a landslide. I was pretty surprised by that.

        • @halcyoncmdr
          18 months ago

          I think it’s probably because she generally wasn’t publicly political during her husband’s Presidency, or after. She did what was expected of the First Lady, didn’t do anything too controversial, and that was about it. And there’s likely a lot of people that want Obama again, but he cannot run, but if she’s there obviously his counsel would be as well.

      • @Viking_Hippie
        -38 months ago

        The time to switch candidates was 6-8 months ago. It’s too late at this point, at least for US politics

        That’s simply not true.

        If they were to not switch from Biden, Trump would win in a landslide without having to say a damned thing or remind anyone he existed between now and then

        Fixed it for you. His chances were already bad due to his insistence on not listening to the people telling him to stop participating in a genocide, and that debate killed it. Even Kamala Harris would have a better chance now.

        • @[email protected]
          18 months ago

          Even Kamala Harris would have a better chance now.

          Come on now, it’s bleak and Trump is going to trounce him with ease, but it’s not that bad.

        • @CptEnder
          -18 months ago

          The fact that there are undecided voters at all says it takes longer than a year. 4 even. It’s too late.

          • @Viking_Hippie
            08 months ago

            Are there, though? Or is it just people who won’t admit that they don’t plan on voting and/or don’t know shit about dick?

      • @CompostMaterial
        -98 months ago

        My preference would be for them to flip the ticket. Put Kamala as first and him as vice. I don’t really care for her, but it would be worlds better than another Trump reign of terror. Flipping the ticket would be the least destabilizing move and would appease the concerns of age while also keeping him on for those that didn’t like her (or a woman).

        • @[email protected]
          158 months ago

          Please no. I don’t want a career prosecutor as president. I don’t even want her as VP, because the odds of Biden leaving office during the term for whatever reason are pretty high.

        • @halcyoncmdr
          -78 months ago

          There are too many sexist voters that would never vote for a woman. Look at Hilary, even ignoring how unlikeable she could be, a ton of people were very vocal about not voting for her only because she was female, including other women.

          Besides, I’m fairly certain Kamala is making a lot of the current decisions anyway. Joe and her have been together a lot more than other VPs and Presidents in the past.

          • @[email protected]
            38 months ago

            even ignoring how unlikeable she could be

            You can’t ignore that, because it’s the reason she lost. And despite it, she won the popular vote and came really close to winning the election. We easily could have had a woman president if she didn’t have Hillary’s baggage.

          • John Richard
            -18 months ago

            People didn’t like Hillary for lots of legitimate reasons as well. A different female candidate like Whitmer would do fine. I think AOC is the best choice personally though.

  • @cosmicrookie
    118 months ago

    If his family supports him, i guess we all should /s

    • Flying Squid
      38 months ago

      Yes. You should. Because the alternative is a dictator. So if he is the nominee, you should support him.

      • @[email protected]
        108 months ago

        I’m just wondering why they left the fate of the entire free world to…this guy? Seriously? A turtle would have been better. Why run him again when it was this obvious of a bad idea even back in the primaries? Anyone but Hillary would have been a shoe in, now we have to worry.

        • Flying Squid
          8 months ago

          Who did you canvas for as an alternative? Anyone?

          That would be your answer.

          Edit: Interesting thing to get downvoted for- asking who someone canvassed for. Do you downvoters not know how political campaigns are supposed to work?

            • @Bernie_Sandals
              28 months ago

              You know registered Democratic voters pick the nominee, not the DNC, correct?

              If you want someone like Bernie to win, you have to fight with the establishment over the Democratic voterbase, and the Bernie campaign never succeeded in winning over the majority of the Democratic voterbase. You can argue this is because the majority of the endorsements and media were on Hillary’s side, but that was inevitable, you can’t just expect your internal Party opponent to roll over, you have to build up an opposing powerbase within the party and media.

              Seems like a lot of socialists and progressives got too disenchanted from Bernie losing to ever accept that, though.

              • @[email protected]
                -18 months ago

                I still think it’s a ridiculous notion that I alone am responsible for the failures of the democrat party simply because I am unable to go door to door and say “Vote for Zippy,” regardless of who puts forth the candidate. Short of being the sole arbiter of ballots of course.

                • @Bernie_Sandals
                  28 months ago

                  regardless of who puts forth the candidate

                  That’s the thing, though, no one “puts forth” a candidate except the candidate themselves, parties will sometimes reach out to activists or local party officials for local or state office nominations, but Federal office candidates are almost always decided by candidates themselves getting signatures and putting their name forward.

                  You’re no more responsible for the failures of the party than party establishment officials at the DNC, and likely quite less responsible, but you are responsible for writing off the party as a whole, and thereby abandoning the about 50% of the party that wants to take it in a progressive/anti-capitalist direction.

            • Flying Squid
              -78 months ago

              You expect others to canvas on your behalf? Campaigns are made up of people willing to go out and do things on behalf of the candidate. You wanted to know why not someone other than Biden wasn’t the nominee. The answer is because I didn’t canvas for anyone else and neither did you and neither did almost anyone else.

              Blaming everyone but yourself when you were just as complicit is just an excuse to get out of doing it the next time. If there’s going to be a next time.

              And before you point fingers at me, remember I’m not the one complaining about it.

                • Flying Squid
                  -28 months ago

                  Please do tell me how you expect another candidate to run against Biden if no one canvasses for them. Magic?

        • Flying Squid
          08 months ago

          Not supporting him after he gets the nomination and just giving your vote isn’t really enough if we want to stop a dictator.

            • Flying Squid
              08 months ago

              We all need to do what we can to get as many of our peers to vote for him as possible, even if they don’t like him. I don’t like him. Dictatorship is worse.

              I want people to be able to vote in 2028 and 2030 and beyond if possible.

    • @[email protected]
      -58 months ago

      What is the downside of supporting him?

      We know he advances progressive policies that benefit hundreds of millions of people.

      Voting him in keeps a sane person in the White House.

      He’s already shown how active he is as president in his first term, regardless of his age.

      I don’t see the downside of voting for someone who has already proven themselves to be a good president.

      • @Nutteman
        38 months ago

        Because he was not a “good” president. He’s been mediocre to a complete disappointment for many of us who are actually progressive and want to see some change for the better.

        • @[email protected]
          18 months ago

          Actual pogressives care about lgbtq+ rights, sustainable technology, investing in critical infrastructure, taxing billionaires and fixing the climate, all issues that the Biden administration has dedicated significant time and resources to.

          You don’t know who or what you’re talking about.

          • @Nutteman
            08 months ago

            I think you’re just upset that your geriatric genocide apologist candidate is disliked for very real reasons and is an active barrier to real change in this country. You’re not a progressive. You are a centrist. A coward. A bootlicker.

            • @[email protected]
              08 months ago

              Haha, no.

              I’m sorry you’re having such difficulty with reality, but civil rights and green technology is the future.

              Must be difficult living in a progressive world leaving you behind.

              • @Nutteman
                8 months ago

                You’re a silly little fella I’ll tell you what. I’m an actual leftist. You are a liberal with no real principles or ideology. You’re controlled opposition and a joke.

                edit: lol this fuckin nerd dm’d me to complain I’m insulting him for being a yellow-bellied centrist

      • @Asifall
        8 months ago

        At this point the downside is that if that debate is the best he can do then he’s absolutely going to lose.

        If he does make it to Election Day without dropping out or dropping dead then yeah we may as well vote for him, but that seems like a terrible position to be in.

  • @werefreeatlast
    108 months ago

    There is no other space filler. We need Biden to run! But we really need a candidate for next time.

    • @IndustryStandard
      88 months ago

      Is anyone voting for Biden because they really love him?

      He could be replaced at the snap of a finger and it would not cost votes.

      • @[email protected]
        8 months ago

        As much as I don’t think Biden should run at his age, you’re basing the “changing the nominee now wouldn’t cost votes” on nothing whatsoever. There is a proven benefit to incumbency. I don’t like it, but it’s true. And the other massive question mark is who does a majority of the country like enough in the Democratic Party (that the Democratic Party actually wants being its nominee) to just install? Because you also have to factor in the mileage the right would get out of “the Democratic Party’s nominee was installed like a dictator!” shit. No to mention the optics of a party elite-chosen candidate. You can’t say a change wouldn’t lose votes without a definitive other candidate to compare to and without considering the optics.

        So basically, what you’re saying is mostly just nonsense. This is a terrible situation for us to have to be I . But we’re in it. No use pretending.

      • @[email protected]
        78 months ago

        I am voting for Biden because he’s a good president.

        He could not be replaced at the snap of a finger, he’s had an extremely active first term and already pursued and heavily invested in najor progressive reforms.

        Unnecessarily replacing a candidate 4 months before the election would absolutely throw the election to the conservatives.

        • Verdant Banana
          8 months ago

          the country is less progressive now then when Biden was in office with Obama

          on that note US citizens enjoy less rights than their counterparts living in the 60s

          fucking sad Americans are willingly ready to suck Biden or Trump depending on your favorite color

          all voters could just protest by voting someone else if the top two choices suck but hey the democrats wouldn’t like that because that would be a vote for Trump

          • @[email protected]
            -28 months ago

            I see and hear a more progressive population inundated with more conservative news.

            Totally agree about voting.

        • John Richard
          -48 months ago

          Not it wouldn’t. A different candidate results in much higher odds of beating Trump. Do you actually want to beat Trump? Biden has done some good things but he will not be remembered for that if his elder abusing family gets their way.

          • @[email protected]
            68 months ago

            That is absurd.

            Biden led a good first term with many solid beneficial policies, let him lead a second good term.

            You are high as a kite if you think replacing a known candidate with solid support 4 months before an election is a good election strategy.

            It’s a terrible idea and puts the Democrats at a significant disadvantage showing political instability, poor decision making and confusing builders.

            It’s a terrible idea to unnecessarily replace a good president.

            • John Richard
              8 months ago

              Biden already hurt his numbers tremendously by supporting genocide. Now you’re asking we support elder abuse as well? Polls have shown choosing other candidates help Democrats. Not sure why we should support elder abuse as well when it also hurts our own chances of even beating Trump. I think the only people in denial are the ones saying Biden should stay in. Maybe go look at some polls. Or we can bury our heads in the sand and blame Progressives and Palestinians when Biden loses, sort of like Dems blaming Bernie supporters in 2016.

              • @[email protected]
                68 months ago

                He doesn’t support genocide, he’s actively against it.

                The only people that believe that are idiots voting against him anyway.

                Pulls are idiotic and do not predict anything useful.

                You’re repeating bandwagon myths and making inaccurate assumptions.

                • @Ensign_Crab
                  18 months ago

                  He doesn’t support genocide, he’s actively against it.

                  He doesn’t even admit it is a genocide.

              • @[email protected]
                28 months ago

                If you think what Biden is doing is “supporting genocide”, I’m quite sure you don’t want to see what other candidates will do. 1

    • John Richard
      8 months ago

      I saw with my own two eyes and heard with my own two ears too the state of Biden’s health. Biden’s family are elder abusers. His wife was so cringey too and came off as a power hungry megalomanic.

        • John Richard
          -58 months ago

          No that part is helpful. I mean afterwards where she says in front of an audience, “You did such a good job!”

  • @mlg
    08 months ago

    Camp David

    There’s some joke in here involving Jimmy Carter but I really hope he isn’t in actual pain watching this go down.

    • @[email protected]
      -18 months ago

      Can’t see the point in betting against him here other than hopeful hipster cynicism being awarded with internet points.

    • John Richard
      8 months ago

      I never did and then he and his campaign team went and proved me wrong. The whole recent issue with Merrick Garland has to do with Biden asserting executive privilege over the audio tapes of his national documents investigation where the special investigator found that Biden legitimately has a poor memory now not being able to recall life events. Instead Biden’s team pressured the investigator to revise his report and said his assessment wasn’t supported by facts.

      • @AngryCommieKender
        28 months ago

        They have the transcripts. They are only pushing for the tapes for sound bites for ads. There’s no additional information that is related to national security that isn’t provided in the transcripts

        • John Richard
          08 months ago

          The transcripts has repetition and long pauses removed. I agree they will use those audio tapes against him, but for Biden’s team to try to hide the memory loss and then say the other side is lying only gives Republicans more ammo. He must have known his base would be defend him only to be shown that the Republicans actually had something right for once.