• The Hobbyist
    293 months ago

    Memento is a movie about a guy who tries to find the murderer of his wife but has a condition where he only remembers the last few minutes, so works with post-its, photos and tatoos to piece things together. Great movie!

    Predestination is a time traveling cop trying to prevent a terrorist attack.

    I’m leaving the best part out which is thought provoking, but you will find it and appreciate it when you watch both movies I think.

    • @TehBamskiOP
      43 months ago

      I really liked Memento. An added bonus is that it was Christopher Nolan’s first screenplay and big budget movie.

      I have Predestination on my ‘Movies To Watch’ list. And sadly that list seems unbearable to conquer — over 400 movies on my list.

  • @[email protected]
    3 months ago

    Man from earth (2007)

    A low-money dvd production movie about a man telling his friends he has survived since the origins of humanity. Very thought provoking.

    • @t_berium
      53 months ago

      Yeah, I love that movie!

      43 months ago

      Man what a throwback! I really liked this one too.

    • @AgentGrimstone
      13 months ago

      The only thing I knew about this movie going in was that it was a group of people just talking in a single room for the entirety of the movie. I figured it must be very good for it to be just dialogue. I enjoyed it very much.

    • @TehBamskiOP
      13 months ago

      Thanks for the suggestion.

  • @[email protected]
    203 months ago

    The Fountain (2006) is always my go to, it’s both aesthetically beautiful and thought provoking.

    • @Jordan117
      63 months ago

      I really wish they’d rerelease this in 4K, the visuals are spectacular.

      • @Num10ck
        13 months ago

        read up on how they gutted the budget for the visuals for this movie so instead they did it using ancient methods instead of CGI.

    • @[email protected]
      53 months ago

      I love all of Aronofsky’s film (except Noah; wtf was that). The Fountain is probably his best.

      • @[email protected]
        33 months ago

        except Noah; wtf was that

        I’m going to hazard a response to what you found wtf:

        Aronofsky’s Noah is told with a Jewish perspective on the story. In Jewish tradition, Noah is a notable person, but he is not admirable. In Genesis it states that Noah was righteous in his generation. Rashi, a leading rabbi in the Middle Ages, said in regards to that statement: “Others, however, explain it to his discredit: in comparison with his own generation he was accounted righteous, but had he lived in the generation of Abraham he would have been accounted as of no importance.” (https://www.sefaria.org/Genesis.6.9?lang=bi&aliyot=0&p2=Rashi_on_Genesis.6.9.2&lang2=bi)

        Jewish sages, too, have long criticized Noah for accepting God’s dictate that he will destroy all life on earth without argument. That’s in contrast to Abraham who, when God said he would destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, argued with God and got him to agree not to destroy the cities if there existed ten righteous people in the cities.

        So Aronofsky shows Noah as a religious extremist who does what God says without question. It’s a sometimes ugly portrayal, but it fits with an interpretation of Noah that sees him as the best the world had on hand, but not the best that mankind can be.

    • @TehBamskiOP
      13 months ago

      The Fountain was a great movie to watch. Recommended.

  • @hardcoreufo
    193 months ago

    Primer. Time travel paradoxes. Two guys accidentally build a time machine and their tests of it cause chaos in their lives.

  • @cbarrick
    3 months ago

    is a pretty surreal. Considered one of the most influential films of all time. One of the earliest examples of post-modernism in film.

    Every scene in Ex Machina is basically a dialogue covering different arguments in the philosophy of AI. Plus a surreal dance scene.

    I was blown away by mother! when I first saw it. But looking back on it, the allegory wasn’t exactly subtle.

    Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is a meta-modern masterpiece.

    Tropic Thunder, as a meta commentary on comedy, is actually really good. Aside from the great comedy itself.

      • @cbarrick
        13 months ago

        Yes, thanks for the spelling correction.

  • d00phy
    153 months ago

    Seems like a lot of responses think a movie needs a twist to be thought provoking. Not saying they’re wrong, but what about things that make you think about how screwed we are like “The Big Short” or “The Laundromat?” Movies like “Schindler’s List” make you think about human capacity for evil and compassion. “Blade Runner” brings up questions of what makes you a human.

    Make no mistake, all the “twist” movies mentioned so far are great. Just trying to introduce another thread to the discussion.

  • edric
    153 months ago

    Probably Arrival. If you knew how your life will play out from start to finish, would you change it knowing you will never experience everything the same from the point that you change it, thus not only avoiding bad/regrettable events, but also your most cherished ones.

  • @t_berium
    123 months ago

    ‘Rambo’ Laugh, if you want, but that flick made me realize how awfully governments treat Veterans. Non-Military guy here. Saw it in the nineties, must have been 11 or 12 or something like that.

    Then ‘Philadelphia’ was pretty intense and made me realize reality holds more truths, than the narrow minded household I grew up in.

    ‘Milk’ was pretty eye opening, too.

  • Phenomephrene
    113 months ago

    The Seventh Seal [Ingmar Bergman, 1957]

    As the plague ravages Scandinavia, a Swedish crusader returning home is greeted at the shore of his homeland by Death. To buy enough time to make it back to see his wife he challenges Death to a game of chess.

    A film about different human reactions to the inevitability of death. One of Bergman’s masterworks.

  • @whotookkarl
    103 months ago

    The Man from Earth; low budget sci-fi mostly just people talking in a living room. I like how it plays with expectations about knowledge of history and explores different epistemologies of the supporting characters in their line of questions or how they engage with the core concept.

  • Praise Idleness
    83 months ago

    Soul. It’s not ground breaking revelation of a question but it really made me think deeply about how I’m spending my limited time on this planet and what am I looking for in this world.

    • Maven (famous)
      23 months ago

      This movie was really upsetting for me. I enjoyed it a lot but it’s hard to separate it from the reality of the princess and the frog problem.

      Why can’t Disney make a movie about black people without turning them non-human?

  • @TheEighthDoctor
    3 months ago

    It became a meme by now but Sixth Sense when it came out and Identity.

  • BougieBirdie
    63 months ago

    I’m a big fan of Day of the Dead (1985)

    On the surface, it’s a bunker zombie movie. But like truly good zombie movies, it’s not about the zombies. It’s more about humanity’s response to existential dread and how groups can fail to cooperate with each other.

    The movie’s been remade a few times, but imo the original is the most thought provoking.