In a May 2000 essay published on his website, Hancock writes: “I have consistently argued that the Americas were inhabited in prehistoric times by a variety of ethnic groups – Negroid, Caucasoid and Mongoloid … Such ideas have caused deep offense to some American Indians, who have long claimed to be the only ‘native’ Americans.”

He goes on to describe various prehistoric artifacts that he says prove the presence of Caucasians and Africans before Columbus landed on the continent in 1492. This includes his research into the Aztec god Quetzalcoatl, who he says was described by the Aztecs as “tall, white-skinned and red bearded – sometimes blue eyed as well”.

I don’t ever want to hear that Hancock isn’t a racist again.

Edit: I see we have some Hancock fans lurking. Hello! Hope you enjoy the next season despite Hancock not being allowed to be a racist in the Grand Canyon.

  • @[email protected]
    3 months ago

    “…Negroid, Caucasoid and Mongoloid…”

    Holy shit man, we already suspected you were promoting some racist bullshit, but you didn’t have to lean into it harder.

  • Transporter Room 3
    52 months ago

    Did some Europeans get to the northern americas pre-1490s?


    But only by like… A few hundred years, only in small areas, and only for a short amount of time.

    Not “prehistory” and certainly not en-masse.

    And what happened to them? They weren’t around after the 1500s, certainly not when the westward expansion began.

    Like… You have to believe so much other bullshit just to accept a small amount of it.