I always see these posts and I absolutely love them despite understanding none of it. More power to you and your strange niche programming artwork or whatever this is.
All scriptkiddies out of the pool!
Based? Based On What?
Based on Unix and GNU?
Basé et rouge-pilulé
“Based” is young person slang
unixbased and bsdpilled
This always cracks me up, because it’s a perfect example of a snake eating it’s own tail. “Based” was originally just a shortened way of saying “based in reality” or “based in fact”, but new people didn’t get the original context, so it just became it’s own word. Then, the uninitiated started making the “Based? Based on what?” joke, completely oblivious of the original meaning.
Visual critique (if that was the ask): BSD is somewhat hard to make out in the her hair.
As I get more of her story, and see interesting IRL developments, I wonder about the computer systems of her world. Do they have the same ISAs as ours? If so, did RISC beat CISC? If not, do they use inputs and outputs not possible in our world?
Thank you for your critique!
I will digest the bits from your questions and perhaps they’ll be answered in the shape of a future bitmap.