just noticing a lot of very principle anti-genocidists very suddenly changing their focus, it is almost as if some pattern can be discerned through ignoring their statements and watching their behavior

  • @[email protected]
    8 months ago

    It is a more palpable talking point to the more center leaning Democrats. Some people can convince themselves Biden did not have a hand in the Gaza genocide, but cannot deny the debate we all just saw. I am going to vote in a way that will deny Trump a win, but also I can acknowledge that Biden is an extremely weak choice for the primary Democratic candidate.

    • @[email protected]
      8 months ago

      Exactly. Biden was “geriatric Joe” well before genocide Joe. Before that there was a pointed catchphrase that had to do with busing (legitemately can’t remember what it was, if anyone can help me out).

      Biden has basically always been a conservative. Literally it doesn’t matter what your position is, I hope everyone reading this can recognize that if you’re calling anti-genocide folk out for “switching up” over this debate, it probably means you haven’t been paying attention for the last… 81 years.

    • @[email protected]
      38 months ago

      With all the things Joe accomplished in the last 4 years, he isn’t as weak of a choice as one might think.

      • @[email protected]
        18 months ago

        To be honest, I don’t think the policies and actions Biden’s cabinet made outweigh the fact that he directly signed off on the continuation of the genocide in Gaza. But that is just my opinion.

  • @[email protected]
    298 months ago

    man i hate this site sometimes

    “just noticing” that antigenocidalists… are still against the same thing they always have been, and are just using the same language that’s in the current news cycle in order to communicate it, same as you OP.

    • @aaa999OP
      -338 months ago

      biden, whose brain is mush and body is turning to dust before our eyes, should simply use his infinite power to create peace in the middle east

        • @[email protected]
          8 months ago

          It’s honestly hilarious how these liberals are mentally incapable of getting it.

          If they genuinely do not see how Democrats have been the steadfast accomplice of the fascist “Overton ratchet,” they are either malicious or incompetent.

          Sure copy and paste that list of Biden accomplishments again. As if the sweeping failures of the Dems aren’t well known at this point. Glass Steagall. PATRIOT. Citizens United. Obamacare. Kavanaugh. Roe vs Wade. The dismantling of SAVE.

          Keep appeasing the literal fucking fascists yall claim to be such an existential threat. Because appeasement totally works, that’s why liberals keep doing it!

          Like, yall know these fuckers play buddy buddy with each other in D.C.? The only ones willing to call out the bullshit of being friendly in the halls and calling for your death in the chamber are Squad members.

          Yes I’m fucking voting Biden you exhausting dense insufferable fascist enablers. And I’m going to laugh my ass off when they throw your asses in the same camp as me.

  • @[email protected]
    8 months ago

    When push comes to shove, libs on lemmy punch left at strawmen they created. Sorry your candidate looks so weak to everyone that even the media cycle is about it.

    • @jorp
      88 months ago

      Progressive Democrats are losing primary seats to AIPAC funded pro-genocide Democrats but these assholes still think the left should toe the line and vote blue.

      When are liberals going to do something for the left?

    • @[email protected]
      48 months ago

      The thing is that Trump is even more of a geriatric, and actively endorses genocide. On top of all of his other bullshit.

      Yet it is only a problem when the Democrats do it.

      • @[email protected]
        58 months ago

        You think there’s a lot of Trump supporters around here that need to hear it or something? I guess you’d have to go to trumpsocial or whatever they call whatever site they congregate on to talk to them, but plenty of ardent Biden stans are here to hear the Biden hate.

        Biden stans are also seen by most of his detractors here as simply misguided, not entirely lost causes. You can likely surmise they think the exact opposite of trump supporters, who mostly around here would get stuff like “kys” instead.

        You can say what you want about their politics, but the prevalence of Biden memes and the lack of Trump memes is logical for those reasons and likely more, as another commenter said you can only clean your own house and all.

      • @[email protected]
        48 months ago

        Yet it is only a problem when the Democrats do it.

        you can clean your own house the way you want; but not other people’s houses.

      • @[email protected]
        8 months ago

        It’s not only a problem when democrats do it. It’s a problem when democrats begin doing it as well.

        Look man, I’m not from your country, but it’s clear this is the same thing that’s been happening now all throughout Europe. Where there are usually more than two choices, so we can’t even claim lack of choice as the reason. Let me try to explain.

        Old parties have been around the block so many times, everyone knows how morally corrupt they are. “Lesser of two evils” is not something younger voters want to go for. They want a party that represents them, and none of the old ones want to represent them. They just want the power, but not to speak the will of the voters. And while some are obviously bad choices (like your Republicans), the leftist voters are especially mad at those parties that have been masquerading as socialist or left-leaning. Because they promised and didn’t deliver. Just like your Democrats.

        So now all throughout Europe there are newly established far-right parties getting a bunch of votes, on the basis of “nobody else is keeping their word, or representing me as a voter, so I might as well try these new guys”. Trump won his first election on that platform, and he’ll win the second election on the same grounds.

        But this isn’t a problem with the voters. For example, Germany now has this exact situation. Who do you think most voted for the new far-right party? The eastern part of Germany. The poorest part, with the fewest job opportunities, with the lowest incomes, the highest frequence in homelessness, the least educated etc. And who’s to fucking blame for an entire class of people being disenfranchised over several decades? The voters?

        Nah, man. The only ones who made this bed are the parties who created today’s environment. Usually we sleep in it, but every now and then people get tired of getting fucked, and they force a change, even if it may be a bad one. And sometimes, that is enough - the knowledge that even if you lose, at least the people who have been actively hurting you also don’t get to win. They lose as well, they sleep in the same bed as you for a change. At least this one fucking time.

        I won’t deny that it’s a destructive mentality and that it may lead to long-term negative effects that are hard to undo. But this has moved past a reasonable situation for some. Desperation kicks in, and the need for revenge is strong. When you work 2-3 jobs to feed your kids, when you can’t sleep at night because you don’t know if tomorrow you’re gonna be evicted while you’re at work, when you can’t afford basic necessities… Fuck it, man. You get it. Sometimes you just desperately want things to change and you don’t care if the world burns in the process, because your world has been burning for god knows how many years, and nobody seemed to care so far. And at that point, you’re especially pissed at those who pretended they cared.

      • @jorp
        18 months ago

        Yes it’s true the left supports Trump. The American political binary has rotted your brain. It’s time for ALL Americans left of fascist to demand more from both parties. Democrats are the ones clutching defeat from the jaws of victory election after election.

        • @[email protected]
          8 months ago

          The time to demand more isn’t 4 months before the election. It’s not really the year of the election. The time to demand more is 10+ years before the election, supporting better candidates in smaller elections, rallying behind those candidates as they climb the ladder, and supporting those candidates right after the last election before the one you want them to win.

          But I don’t see that. I see no more than a slim minority doing any demanding until the last minute, when it does more harm than good.

          • @jorp
            48 months ago

            Progressive Democrats are primaried out by AIPAC funded pro genocide liberals and you put the blame on progressives.

            Liberals need to realize they’re not entitled to the left’s support without some effort and cooperation on their side.

            Your party are blue conservatives, clean up your own shit.

            • @[email protected]
              8 months ago

              I’m not a Liberal, they’re not my party. They are the party out of the two front runners which is more aligned with my interests than the other.

              The left needs to realize it’s not a matter of entitlement, it’s simple game theory harm reduction. The environment in which you pursue leftist goals will be predominantly colored by the winner in November. You can enable an environment which is unfavorable to leftist empowerment, or extremely unfavorable to leftist empowerment.

              Would you rather try to push progressive action under Biden, or Trump? I personally believe progressive action will be more successful under Biden than Trump, so I will be voting accordingly. Blue conservatives are better for leftists than red fascists.

  • @[email protected]
    128 months ago

    People are posting right now about a thing that’s in the news cycle right now? Say it ain’t so!

  • @[email protected]
    108 months ago

    Why are you surprised that people are talking about the current news cycle? Is it seriously crazy that people who saw the debate are concerned?

    Do you legitimately think that people who have been anti-genocide have suddenly given up their anti-genocide stance to talk about the current news topic?

    And is someone who is anti-genocide supposed to be pro-geriatric, and therefore being anti-geriatric is pro genocide? It seems like you are creating a mutually exclusive false dichotomy.

    The message you are trying to push only works because you didn’t put anti-genocide on the other computer chip. You made a strawman.

  • NoLifeGaming
    88 months ago

    Imagine being mad and clapping back at people who have been pointing out bidens complicity and support of a genocide…

  • @[email protected]
    8 months ago

    As someone who as worked with ic chips with that package design, qfp (quad flat package), those things are way harder to swap out than that.

    (sorry about the low resolution, fuckin enshitification. A year ago that image had 4x as many pixels)

    • @ElectricTrombone
      8 months ago

      Just bend the leads over and jam it into a PLCC socket. Problem solved.

      /s just in case

      • @[email protected]
        8 months ago

        When you realize a newly soldered 144 pin qfp was 90 degrees off from the correct orientation.

        FFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKKK (rtfm, the text may not always be the thing that marks orientation)

  • @mlg
    58 months ago

    I mean I thought it was a somewhat common opinion that Biden should only run for one term?

    The dropout thing only came up now because some party leaders mentioned it again (way too late)

  • @[email protected]
    48 months ago

    Please take a deep breath and realize how absolutely pathetic it looks when you can’t accept that supporting genocide is immoral, or that Biden’s appearance can be explained by him having a cold. No “tanky” on Lemmy gives a single fuck who you do or don’t vote for. You’re frustrated with the wrong people.

  • @[email protected]
    8 months ago

    libs, if you wanna be mad: go be mad at your shitty politician, not the ones criticizicing him. ask why your pet politician can’t stop signing money to israel instead of turning anti-genocide people into a stawman for some reason?

    nooooooo, obviously the right thing to do is just pandering to conservatives then acting entitled to leftist support, right?

    08 months ago

    Harder to get Americans to care about a president committing genocide than about a president being senile. I’m critical of him for both reasons and don’t make a secret about it.

    Everyone who’s not self-deluding can see that his senility is a problem, including mainstream publications like the NYT. The fact that that includes some people who were critical of him before is not exactly surprising.

    • @ramenshaman
      18 months ago

      So are you going to not vote? Or vote for Trump?