In thinktank’s survey of 15 European countries, few respondents believe Ukraine can secure an outright victory

  • Optional
    83 months ago

    Ohhhhh a poll! Oh man, well. Done deal then. Innit.

    • @TokenBoomerOP
      3 months ago

      To answer these questions, ECFR conducted an opinion poll of 19,566 people in 15 countries in the first half of May 2024 – the period prior to the European Parliament election. source

      • Optional
        13 months ago

        Jesus Christ they got 20,000 people to answer poll questions in two weeks?

        . . . What was the methodology? Was it, like, at a football match everybody who agrees . . raise your hand? Was it “like if you agree” on Telegram? Agggh. Okay I’ll go look.

        • Optional
          63 months ago

          Okay here’s the Methodology section:


          This report is based on a public opinion poll of adult populations (aged 18 and over) conducted in May 2024 in 15 countries (Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Italy, Poland, Portugal, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and Ukraine). The total number of respondents was 19,566.

          The poll was conducted online by Datapraxis and YouGov in the Czech Republic (9-16 May, 1,071 respondents), France (9-20 May, 1,502), Germany (9-17 May, 2,026), Great Britain (9-13 May, 2,082), Greece (1-16 May, 1,093), Italy (9-17 May, 1,036), Poland (9-23 May, 1,550), Portugal (9-20 May, 1,070), the Netherlands (9-15 May, 1,014), Spain (9-17 May, 1,508), Sweden (9-23 May, 1,026), and Switzerland (2-15 May, 1,079). It was conducted online by Datapraxis and Alpha Research in Bulgaria (9-23 May, 1,000), and online by Datapraxis and Norstat in Estonia (6-21 May, 1,009). In all these countries the sample was nationally representative of basic demographics and past votes.

          In Ukraine, the poll was conducted by Datapraxis and Rating Group (7-12 May, 1,500) via telephone interviews (CATI) with respondents selected using randomly generated telephone numbers. The data was then weighted to basic demographics. Fully accounting for the population changes due to the war is difficult, but adjustments have been made to account for the territory under Russian occupation. This, combined with the probability-based sampling approach, strengthens the level of representativeness of the survey and generally reflects the attitudes of Ukrainian public opinion in wartime conditions.

          Some of the questions were not asked in Great Britain and Switzerland. The questionnaire in Ukraine included several questions that were not asked elsewhere. Overall, the graphs in this paper display data for all the countries in which the respective question was asked.

          Which - says who did it, but except for “online” or in the case of Ukraine “random telephone numbers”, it doesn’t describe the Method of the . . y’know, the Ology. So. “online”. Like, click on an Ad at, or -?

          Anyway here’s the numbers:

          • @Buffalox
            3 months ago

            Thanks for posting the table, much more informative than the article.
            IDK if I have a browser problem? But that table was not visible to me reading the article.

            • Optional
              23 months ago

              That was from the source pdf linked in the article, fwiw. It also didn’t have any methodology notes, it was just results.

        • @TokenBoomerOP
          -33 months ago

          There’s a lot of info and graphs, but it’s interesting:

          The poll was conducted online by Datapraxis and YouGov

          • Optional
            23 months ago

            Yeah, it’s just that polls are notorious for saying something grand, and then when you dig into it it’s always some bizarre, unbelievable process with a minuscule percentage of the population.

            As we see, the article doesn’t say how they did it.

            If we broadly take the population of Europe and Ukraine to be 788 million people total, this survey of 20,000 people would be 0.002% of the population.

            I don’t think that’s statistically significant. By, well, a lot.

            But it is an interesting headline.

            • @Womble
              3 months ago

              It is, population size has essentially no effect on statistical significance of a sample (other than amplifying it as you start to sample most of the population). 20,000 people is massive and will give you sub 1% confidence ranges. The difficulty is ensuring you have a representative sample (no one does) and correcting for the biases you do have in your sample.

              Do you really think the huge polling industry is unaware of basic statistics and your dividing the sample size by the population would come as a revaltion to them?

              • Optional
                03 months ago

                I think the huge polling industry is based on, and a provider of, multiple lies.

                I think the average person, who will incorporate polling headlines into their worldview, is unaware of the enormous differences.

  • Flying SquidM
    43 months ago

    Oh good, we all know how much Putin cares about European polling.

    • @TokenBoomerOP
      -43 months ago

      I don’t. How much does Putin care about European polling? Or was that just a rhetorical aside to sway public sentiment?

      • Flying SquidM
        3 months ago

        Sorry… you don’t know how much Putin cares about polls of people in countries he doesn’t like in regards to what he should be doing?

        Was that a serious question?

        • @TokenBoomerOP
          -33 months ago

          Oh, it was facetious. I thought you had information about Putin’s motivation.

          • Flying SquidM
            13 months ago

            Sorry. Poe’s law and all, it’s hard to tell sometimes.

            • @TokenBoomerOP
              -23 months ago

              No, my bad. Sorry I didn’t catch that.

  • @Buffalox
    33 months ago

    Negotiations can mean many things.
    The only acceptable outcome is that Ukraine gets all its territories back including Crimea.
    Then we can negotiate on maybe lifting some of the sanctions. There will probably also be negotiations on reparation for Ukraine.

    Even in case of a total Russian defeat, there will probably be negotiations regarding many issues.