• toomanypancakes
    493 months ago

    I’m so sorry to every trans person trapped living in a red state. I fear it’s only going to get worse before and if it gets better.

  • @Sterile_Technique
    263 months ago

    Given the new authority granted to POTUS by SCOTUS, Biden could now order that judge to receive involuntary top and bottom surgery + hormone therapy.

    Now YOU get to experience gender dysphoria, you greasy shit stain.

    • Jojo, Lady of the West
      13 months ago

      I mean, probably not? That doesn’t sound like an “official act”. He could just order the US armed forces to indefinitely confine him in a black site, though. Commanding the military is in the Constitution, it’s definitely official

      • @Sterile_Technique
        13 months ago

        The military has surgeons. Or, failing that, scissors.

        We can make this work! :D

  • Flying Squid
    183 months ago

    Are there countries that will take in trans asylum seekers from the U.S.? Maybe a list of them to post in these threads would be in order.

    • nickwitha_k (he/him)
      63 months ago

      Good call. Might be good to start a wiki or the like for the purpose so that we can keep it up to date.

    • Jojo, Lady of the West
      33 months ago

      Erin in the Morning does one for the various United States, if it gets so bad that federal regulations attack us, I wouldn’t be surprised to see cities and states declaring themselves official sanctuaries like they do for immigration

      • Flying Squid
        03 months ago

        Unfortunately, I don’t think that’s safe enough. What would stop a Trump Gestapo from marching into one of those cities? People need places to seek asylum where Trump’s regime can’t touch them.

        • Jojo, Lady of the West
          13 months ago

          Sure, but I don’t think that’s a salient threat in the near term.

          What would stop a Trump Gestapo from marching into one of those cities?

          Presumably the human people in the military who would prevent it, at least until removed. And the people in the other branches of government who would object to the deployment of federal troops for an overly offensive purpose against the us itself.

          • Flying Squid
            13 months ago

            Presumably? Would you take that chance if it was your life?

            • Jojo, Lady of the West
              13 months ago

              We all take that chance every second of every day, only difference is how strong the presumption is. I am currently confident that I can remain in the country without my life being threatened by the us military in the short term. If trump wins, the numbers will change, but the conclusion will not, at least not immediately.

    • @Fredselfish
      23 months ago

      Fuck that FlyingSquid I’m not running. My boys are LGBTQ and guess what I am going use my second admenment rights to protect them.

      Lets not run I know your in same boat as me in a way except I’m not Jewish but goddammit lets not run lets fight. The fuck if I’m going stand back and watch the same shit that happen in Germany happen here. You shouldn’t either.

      We have the play book we know where this is leading, so we should have advantage to stop it. First we will try voting this November if that doesn’t work then it’s the next steps.

      • Flying Squid
        3 months ago

        Sorry, the idea that the Jews could have survived the Holocaust if they fought back is a myth.


        Jews did fight back. Millions died anyway. Also 15,000 people accused of being queer whether they were or not, and only a number that low because so few people were out of the closet.

        You fight all you want. My daughter is queer and I’m leaving to keep her safe if Trump gets in.

        • @Fredselfish
          13 months ago

          My son is queer and my another son is bi and I will fight because this isn’t Germany this America we the far right has made the second amendment the corner stone of their party. As someone on the far left I am going take full advantage of this and they are going fuck around and find out.

          Not only should I not run it is almost impossible for us in America to do so if weren’t well off to do so.

          Good luck to you. But lets try and get Biden elected and then after that lets fucking take down both parties from inside if need be.

          • Flying Squid
            33 months ago

            Nazi Germany wasn’t Nazi Germany until it became Nazi Germany.

            You go ahead and have your little firefight at the expense of your family. I know exactly what happened to my relatives that didn’t leave continental Europe in the 1940s.

            • @Fredselfish
              13 months ago

              Glad you think I am rich enough to leave and guess your loaded with money and the skills that will allow a foreign country to take you in? Seriously leaving America is not easy and not many countries are going take us in. So I have no choice roll over our fight.

              • Flying Squid
                23 months ago

                Rich enough? Until now, this was about you choosing to stay. Not being able to leave is an entirely different matter. That is not what you said to me. This is what you said:

                Fuck that FlyingSquid I’m not running. My boys are LGBTQ and guess what I am going use my second admenment rights to protect them.

                Lets not run I know your in same boat as me in a way except I’m not Jewish but goddammit lets not run lets fight. The fuck if I’m going stand back and watch the same shit that happen in Germany happen here. You shouldn’t either.

                If this is about you not having the means to leave but would like to, that should have been made clear. Because in that post, you expected me to stick around too. Nope. Not going to. Sorry you can’t leave, but if Trump is elected, we are getting the fuck out.

                • @Fredselfish
                  13 months ago

                  No I was pointing out the crazy idea you’re just going leave. I seen your post before your not rich. I doubt you be able to get out either. Besides were would you go? Everywhere I look the right are taking over. France, UK, hell Germany moving to the right and hear Switzerland is far right.

                  Far as New Zealand and Finland they have strict guidelines to become citizens. Dude I’m saying running probably an option. Im not running because I know I can’t and shouldn’t. Why I stay in shithole Oklahoma. Can’t change things if I run to what is today maybe blue or left leaning.

                  Besides if Trump wins fascism will just spread. America as a long reach.

  • @Burn_The_Right
    123 months ago

    As the enemy of humanity tightens its noose around our throats. Conservatism is death. It always has been.

  • @Corvidae
    83 months ago

    I predict Loper-Bright is gonna reverberate through lots of issues. This is just the beginning, sadly.

  • @yesman
    53 months ago

    The constitution is just a bunch of laws. How can an official act by a POTUS possibly be bound by it?

    Honestly, how can any court review any law signed by a POTUS? Isn’t signing legislature an official act?

    • @jeffwOPM
      3 months ago

      Executive actions and orders are not laws.

      And any law is subject to the constitution. If I write a law that says “all Japanese people must be sent to internment camps,” a court should intervene and say “no, that’s not legal.”