• RuBisCO
    148 months ago

    Ahh, but what are the odds of being run over by a car while on the treadmill in the gym?

  • @[email protected]
    78 months ago

    A co-worker was like this a few years ago. He was arguing that the gym had AC and was always at the same temperature; that outside was too hot/cold/rainy/snowy, never perfect.

    He is also the type of person that wants to look and act like Rambo and couldn’t see the irony in wanting a perfect pampered environment.

    But the pandemic came and the gyms closed for months so he started running outside, and never went back to running in a gym.

    It’s just that sadly people are used to drive everywhere for everything. And this is unfortunately more political than one might think.

    • @[email protected]OP
      48 months ago

      And this is unfortunately more political than one might think.

      Yeah, I’m seeing that now. I posted it from the perspective of an apparent ironic laziness, but it can easily be expanded to a systemic issue. My b! Down vote the post so it goes away!!

      • @[email protected]
        28 months ago

        Bah, no worries. I was doom scrolling and didn’t know this community existed before I replied. Pretty much anything can be political if we dig deep enough. I also didn’t need to point it out.

    • @paddirn
      28 months ago

      A few years ago I started purposely parking as far away as possible at work, partly because I was tired of the whole dumb process of circling around looking for a good parking space and partly I was wanting to walk more. It’s been kind of liberating. Instead of trying to sift through a sea of cars to find that empty diamond space in the rough, I’m awash in empty spaces as far as the eye can see everywhere I go. At some places, it’s almost like I’ve gotten my own dedicated parking space.

      • Buglefingers
        18 months ago

        There’s actually a term for this called N.E.A.T. (Non-exercising activity thermogenisis) which basically comes down to: Do the higher caloric burning option, walking further in the parking lot, taking the stairs. Basically moving more by being less efficient. The idea was small changes to increase calorie burn for weight loss. I’ve been doing it over 10 years and it’s greatly helped me with my parking too! I always park far away for this reason

        • @paddirn
          18 months ago

          Yeah, I found out about that after I had started, thinking I had figured something out on my own. I was like, “Oh, I guess people already do this thing and it even has a name.” My approach to it has been to have regular routines that I rarely deviate from, almost as if it’s a responsibility or something I have to do. I try to take as much personal choice out of the matter, because I know otherwise I can rationalize excuses for not doing it (“You’ve already walked alot this week, you can take it easy…”).

          • Buglefingers
            18 months ago

            You did figure it out yourself! Don’t discredit that. You may not have been the first but sometimes it feels good to know you came to the correct conclusion because others got to the same one as you. Like being unsure of a math answer until everyone else says they got the same thing haha

  • @Dagamant
    78 months ago

    Yeah, I live in the southeast US, outside is not exactly comfortable for walking and there are not many good options closer than the gym. I go to the gym where I can spend more time on the treadmill than I would be willing to spend outside.

      • @Dagamant
        18 months ago

        Not too many, I’m pretty rural so there is no sidewalk, high speed limits, and assholes. The times I have walked on the road people have nearly hit me, thrown things, and just made it not safe.

    • @PM_Your_Nudes_Please
      28 months ago

      Yeah, it’s currently 101° outside, with zero cloud cover and 50% humidity. Walking a mile to the gym would require approximately six gallons of Gatorade, just to replace the water and electrolytes I’d lose along the way.

  • SatansMaggotyCumFart
    58 months ago

    But if you walked a mile to the gym you’d have to walk another one back.

    • @w2tpmf
      48 months ago

      You only have to walk HALF way to the gym.