We should focus our actions, time, and resources on Direct Action, Mutual Aid, and Community Outreach. If you do engage in Electoral Politics do not support the Duopoly (Red or Blue Team). No War but Class War!

  • ChihuahuaOfDoom
    93 months ago

    I don’t understand why he would have agreed to it in the first place mother fucker Carlson has a show on Russian state tv. He ain’t exactly going to be fair interviewing Zelensky.

  • @robocall
    43 months ago

    if I were Zelensky, the only reason why I would agree to an interview with Tucker Carlson is to intentionally bail on him.

  • mad_asshatter
    3 months ago

    “Bails on potential interview.”

    So, since the interview was potential, if he didn’t bail, might it still not have happened?


    Is the headlied framed to make Zel look bad?
    Or the “author”?