I know the game started with Galactic Civil War so obviously it haw greater variety, but does anyone else feel like Clone Wars isn’t as interesting to play? I sorely want a third corpse unit for GAR and CIS. Whenever I make any army for either, I feel like I always end up with less units and the upgrades don’t synergize very well. Am I just not playing them right?

  • @flynnguyM
    11 year ago

    I don’t play competitively so maybe that shows through here but I say play what you love. Personally I’m older and grew up with the original trilogy so that’s why I’ve been focused more on Empire vs Rebels (and why I’m excited about the ewoks coming out) but I am planning on eventually getting a GAR and CIS army together because I really enjoyed the Clone Wars cartoons.

    But I too would love to hear how other people play GAR and CIS.