I’ve noticed an overwhelming number of posts here glorifying the “good old days” and how Lemmy embodies that sense of community we all long for. But let’s be real: we don’t actually know each other, and that’s okay.

When I hop onto a social media platform, I’m seeking something different. I crave the vastness of large communities where I can instantly engage with people, seek advice, and exchange ideas. It’s about breaking news, both on a global and local scale, and sparking meaningful discussions.

As someone who grew up in the 80s and 90s, I witnessed the birth of web 1.0. I even hand-coded HTML for my elementary school’s “web team” when I was just 12 years old. It was an incredible experience at the time, but times have changed. Now, for me, the internet represents a realm of connectivity, promptness, and the power of large-scale discussion.

Let’s embrace the evolution of the internet, recognizing that we can still foster a sense of community while expanding our horizons beyond nostalgia. It’s time to seize the potential of this ever-growing digital landscape, where we can engage with a multitude of perspectives and amplify our collective voices.

Overall, I really like Lemmy and the fediverse (I hate the word though, does that make me old?). Decentralization, while remaining connected, is wonderful.

  • @MiddleWeigh
    71 year ago

    I think there’s a happy medium that only lasts a short while before $$$ so I’m enjoying this while I can. I’m more curious than anything. It’s a cool little look into human nature as well.

    • @itadakimasuOP
      1 year ago

      I feel like my most favorite things in the world are user supported. Three examples:

      • wikipedia
      • npr
      • radioparadise

      All three items there are well supported and are enjoyed by many people. I donate to all three.

      If Lemmy becomes a thing, I’ll expand that list.

      • @MiddleWeigh
        41 year ago

        “The best things in life are free”

        It’s an objective truth of our reality. We are just playing pretend half the time.

        • @itadakimasuOP
          11 year ago

          I didn’t say they were free, I said they were user supported (through donations)

          • @MiddleWeigh
            31 year ago

            I love those things too.

            My use of the word free there is free in a sense.

            It comes from within. That is my definition of freedom at least.

    • Sparky678348
      31 year ago

      It’s my understanding that the purpose of federation is that $$$ can’t take over

  • @Kroxx
    71 year ago

    I personally disagree steady growth is much healthier. This is an actual unpopular opinion which is wonderful to see however, great post!

    • @itadakimasuOP
      61 year ago

      Respectful disagreement! Thanks for the reply, and have a stellar night fellow Lemmister!

  • @derf82
    61 year ago

    I completely agree. Right now there is not enough users to sustain niche communities. Sure, it sucked that your post or comment would get buried, but you get to a smaller sun with a specific focus, it was great.

    • OverfedRaccoon 🦝
      31 year ago

      What made Reddit work was even the smaller niche communities had active users. I’m happy to see all these communities pop up, but with no posts and no subscribers, it’s kind of like those ghost cities in China - built and ready to go, but desolate and empty.

      • @Saltycracker
        21 year ago

        We just need to make interesting posts and communities. I do think we have a little bit to go. We are still a work in progress

    • @MiddleWeigh
      21 year ago

      “Right now”

      Time is this thing. Does it pass by? I can’t tell.

      • @derf82
        21 year ago

        We will see. I was hopeful for Voat, but it was taken over by the alt-right and died.

    • @JonsJavaM
      14 months ago

      No grudge. Just doing my job.

      • @stanleytweedle
        4 months ago

        Extremely selectively.

        But just ban me dude. I’m just going to keep being your version of uncivil because I don’t think it is.