not just a Florida problem it is a US problem
like everything else in the US this has devolved into a state’s rights issues where every state makes up its own laws regarding insurance resulting in a patchy hodgepodge of horse shit with companies exiting other states as well leaving behind high rates if insurance coverage can be had at all
did not even hear either of the candidates talk about this during the debate
auto insurance is going through the same mess with high rates, low coverage, and monopolies due to each state having different laws and policies
P2P insurance for example is only allowed in certain states
I have a different take–this is like $1 hamburgers at McDonald’s. We’ve never paid the real cost of those hamburgers, that cost has been borne by low wage earners who allow these items to be sold at a ridiculous price. Same with houses–states have shielded homeowners from the real cost of home ownership for decades but that is now falling apart and things are going back to what they were prior to the Baby Boom - home ownership is really for the wealthier.