Meme transcription:

Bro, just one more bug fix, I swear. The base design is good, promise. This is just a simple bug that I need to fix. It doesn’t require redesigning my approach. I know I’m calling the same function 8 times to get the same data each time, but that’s just this one time, bro. I know they’re asynchronous functions and loading now takes 300ms, but this is just during development, bro. I know I’ve inlined about 7 different things that should be seprate, but that was necessary to fix the previous last bug. I swear, I’m almost done. This is the last bug to fix, bro.

  • @[email protected]
    285 months ago

    In most companies there’s no incentive to write good code. It does the job? Keep it. Oh it costs 5x in AWS costs than it theoretically could if it was a good design? Who cares nobody even understands infrastructure costs

  • @zenharbinger
    275 months ago

    That happens when you are a good developer too.

  • @TORFdot0
    5 months ago

    Way uncool of OP to expose me like this

  • @[email protected]
    55 months ago

    I mean, this all sounds like shit, yes. But sometimes things are only a little bit shit and yet the answer is still “redesign the approach” (ie: start over).

  • @Clent
    35 months ago


      • @netvor
        15 months ago

        “for each desired change, make the change easy (warning: this may be hard), then make the easy change”

        Kent Beck (got this version of his quote from Twitter but it’s much older than that)