• @pixxelkick
    68 months ago

    The fuck is this headline, “time is running short for him to decide”

    He literally held a press conference stating abundantly clearly he has zero plans to drop.

    Why is the press trying so hard to push this narrative that he is anything less than 100% running?

    Propaganda engine trying to sew seeds of distrust. The dudes very clearly running, headlines like this are so fucking slimey.

    • @retrospectology
      8 months ago

      Why is the press trying so hard to push this narrative that he is anything less than 100% running?

      Because if he runs he’s going to lose and our democracy will probably end?

      Denial won’t save us.

      • @pixxelkick
        28 months ago


        He is running, thats just a fact. He did a press conference to make it abundantly clear he is very much running and has zero intention to not run.

        This whole “should he run? will he? if he will run. What will he decide” shit is propaganda fundamentally.

        Stop falling for it, and stop spreading it.

        • @retrospectology
          08 months ago

          I won’t rule out him stepping down until the convention is over. No one is “spreading” anything, his own party leadership are still talking about him to step down to varying degrees, that’s factual. Stopping people talking about it won’t change that.

          I think you’re more uncomfortable with how this national conversation will put make it impossible to argue that Biden isn’t responsible for a democratic loss in November.

          • @pixxelkick
            -18 months ago

            This is fundamentally the standard “people are saying…” classic propoganda engine that trump literally used for over 4 years straight.

            Step 1: Trump and/or his team talks about <thing> without any basis, just remarking on it Step 2: News cycles pick it up and remark about Trump remarking on it Step 3: Trump now re-iterates the talking point but this time saying its in the news Step 4: The news once again re-iterates it

            At this point its so obfuscated in layers its hard to pick up the original source being “Trump just bullshitting about nothing” and then it becomes news

            It’s such a tired and classic play its insane that people somehow eight years later are still falling for it.

            Biden did a fucking press conference very clearly stating he is running, I don’t know how the fuck he can be more explicit that this isnt up for discussion, it’s happening, stop fucking spreading some form of implication it isnt. He so very clearly is who the democrats are pushing forward, everything else is propaganda bullshit to make people second guess.

            • @retrospectology
              8 months ago

              This is fundamentally the standard “people are saying…” classic propoganda engine that trump literally used for over 4 years straight.

              No. It’s not. Power player right-wing democrats in his own party are actually asking the question seriously. People who up to this point have been his strongest allies.



              It’s not hypothetical, it’s real people in real positions of influence having the discusdion, regardless of whether Biden refuses to step aside.

              Now please never try to make that argument again. You’ve been given direct evidence that it’s false, if you persist you’ll be deliberately lying. It’s not the same thing at all.

              • @pixxelkick
                18 months ago

                I’d recommend you actually read the very article and explicitly try and look for a genuine quote where an individual explicitly is quoted as saying Biden should drop out.

                Note how everytime it’s a generalized paraphrase at not an actual quote.

                And interestingly enough all the actual quotes are more along the lines of “He should be doing x”, or etc.

                And even more so many articles capstone at the end with “when asked they re-affirmed support for biden”

                The articles wiggle word their way just enough to subtly imply someone is saying he should drop, yet they can’t manage to find a single actual concrete quote of anyone actually saying it, which shouldn’t be that hard to do.

                That should be a red flag for you that the article is being purposefully vague on purpose.

                Stop falling for the bullshit. Actually read what the article says and look at the quotes, note the dissonance between the quotes and the paraphrasing…

                • @retrospectology
                  8 months ago

                  I’d recommend you actually read the very article and explicitly try and look for a genuine quote where an individual explicitly is quoted as saying Biden should drop out.

                  No, you’re desperately trying to ignore why they are trying to be delicate; these are people who are close to Biden, and they understand that they need to try to persuade him to step down but also if he chooses not to they need to be able to try and drag his corpse over the line.

                  If Biden had their full support they wouldn’t be qualifying all their endorsements, they wouldn’t be phrasing it as “Whoever the candidate is I’ll support them.” They would be saying the discussion of his age is nonsense, but they’re not because they understand this is one thing they can’t just pretend isn’t a reality. They’re positioning themselves for both scenarios because there are closed door meetings about this topic.

                  And besides, other dems have been more explicit, including Adam Smith and Pat Ryan, both of whom did not soften the blow at all:


                  These are not fringey left dems, they’re right-wing, party establishment.

                  But yeah, I can see you’re not ever going to be honest about this, no matter how much evidence you’re shown. You’ve got some other agenda here besides a democratic win, and I don’t really care to know what it is honestly. Good bye.

  • @ThatWeirdGuy1001
    -28 months ago

    It he drops out it’s a guaranteed win for Trump and anyone still saying he needs to drop out needs to understand this.

    4 months is not enough time for any other candidate to get enough press to even begin to compete in this election.

    Lie in the bed you made and maybe fuckin vote better locally so we get better options next time.

    • @Rakonat
      28 months ago

      Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. Either people who don’t understand how elections work, or people who aren’t going to vote anyways and more than likely pushing some Russian psyop to split the vote/get dems to not vote like 2016 all over again. Biden is far from an ideal candidate for the US right now but I’ll take 4 years of him at his worst than to ever give Trump another day in the Oval.