• the dopamine fiend
    2 months ago

    I studied ancient Mesoamerican cultures in college and did a photo series on the destruction and disappearance of their cities and cultures by European colonists. At Dzibilchaltun, Spanish settlers dismantled a Mayan temple stone by stone and rebuilt it as a Catholic chapel literally feet away. Fuckin’ shame.

    • @PugJesusOPM
      192 months ago

      It’s all so terribly crude and savage. The conquistadors regularly acknowledged the complexity and grandeur of the accomplishments of American civilizations, and then went and destroyed it all anyway. Not even in the course of conquest, just as a goal in and of itself. It’s so absurd.

    • @Rolando
      102 months ago

      In references to the books, Landa said: We found a large number of books in these characters and, as they contained nothing in which were not to be seen as superstition and lies of the devil, we burned them all, which they (the Maya) regretted to an amazing degree, and which caused them much affliction.

      On the bright side, think of all the souls that were saved. /s

  • Transporter Room 3
    142 months ago

    The absolutely disgusting amount of knowledge that has been lost over the centuries all because some zealot, be it religious, political, or some other such beast, decided their way was the best way and anything contrary should be buried in the sands of time, all evidence of it erased…

    I mean, if you’re so insecure about your belief/value in whatever that the mere existence of something else is a threat, then maybe you should re-examine said beliefs/values?

    People were the worst thing that’s ever happened to this planet. and it’s been through a lot