The other seven three color pairs are easy for me

Mardu is war

Naya is big monsters

Jeskai is USA

Jund is the food chain

Grixis is Bad guys

Temur is grow fast

Esper is sneak and connive

But the other three have no imagery/association to me. I’d be curious if anyone has an association for them similar to what I’ve listed here.

  • Basilisk
    7 months ago

    First three letters of Abzan are a,b, then z. Then a again. Like a life cycle. You’re born, you grow, you die, then you get resurrected by one of Abzan’s many graveyard tricks.

    Bant is like “banter”, like friends do. It’s the friendly colours of white, blue, and green. It helps that my group hug and pillow fort decks are both bant to help me glue that association together.

    Sultai starts with an “S”, hissing like a snake. Vraska has snake hair and she’s green/black, but sultai also follows the S with a U to remind you blue is in there.

  • @[email protected]
    37 months ago

    I had a Bant Goodstuff standard deck back in SOI, so I think of it as cathars, elves and countermagic.

    The person who got me into Magic had a Prophet of Kruphix commander deck (before the ban) so I think of that creature as Sultai.

    I associate Abzan with Ajani for some reason (though he is more Naya himself), not sure why. Was that his home?

  • @pixxelkick
    37 months ago

    Abzan is big butts. Can remember abzan just has fuckin Seige Rhino too.

    Bant is Exalted, whichever you can just remember Heirarch’s colors.

    Sultai are the snake ppl which is green Rogues (G + UB, BUG)

  • @[email protected]
    37 months ago

    I often forget Jund and can never remember the name of the WUB wedge.

    Sultai and Abzan I remember every time, but I love BG decks and played a lot of Khans.

  • AndrewM
    37 months ago

    This is so interesting, thinking about it now I’ve never associated the wedges or shards with themes or qualities, just individual representative cards or decks I guess.

    Bant is Noble Hierarch for me, and Abzan/Junk is Seige Rhino. Esper is Raffine, Jeskai is Narset, RUG/Temur I think of RUG Delver. Grixis is Mishra or Nicol Bolas.

    Sultai I still always call BUG and will forever. I always think of Shardless BUG from Legacy a while ago, and I guess this one is the exception because I think of actual bugs too.

    • @MacedWindowOP
      27 months ago

      BUG is actually a really helpful association! Thats Sultai down at least.