• @[email protected]
    884 months ago

    This makes my blood boil.

    It’d be bad enough if it was just any random person, but being disabled myself, I know far too well how difficult, to practically impossible, it can be to find a place that isn’t only suitable to live in, but where the landlords will even consider you in the first place instead of instantly putting your application in the reject pile because you or someone in your household is disabled (both of which result in a high rate of homelessness among disabled people).

    There are so many different and equally distressing levels of heinous to this bullshit, from misogyny to ableism, to classism, to just plain old wilful ignorance and cruelty.

    People like this civil servant should spend their time being eternally grateful to not be in such a position as this mother is, since they wouldn’t survive a fucking hour in her shoes.


      • Dremor
        -104 months ago

        Not all of them. Unfortunately my only property isn’t adaptable for disabled people beside what we already installed for my grandmother (handlebars, things like that). It was built in the 50s 😅.

          • Dremor
            34 months ago

            I did expect that, I was kinda giving the stick to beat me. But I’d have liked if those who downvoted me could give me pointers on how to improve myself as a landlord.

            • ObliviousEnlightenment
              04 months ago

              Put in the effort to make it more accessible, maybe charge more on the deposit if you absolutely have to financially; but eating the cost would be preferable because people dont choose to be disabled. Oh, and have a real job, so your living isnt just leeching off tenants.

              • Dremor
                34 months ago

                So being a Dev isn’t a real job? I suppose a lot of people here would feel insulted.
                What I earn from my grandmother home goes to a special account used for the apartment repairs, improvement, and taxes.
                Actually, as we upgraded it a lot those last years (redid the all the electricity, paint, windows and the south side isolation), I’m actually still 70k+ in debt, which will take me arround 10 years to resorb.

                But sure, I’m leeching off my tenant, if you say so.

                • ObliviousEnlightenment
                  14 months ago

                  You asked for advice, I gave general advice. Im not gonna assume those because thats not most landlords. Good for you on being an exception ig

              • @[email protected]
                24 months ago

                Terrible advice. This just increases the cost of the dwelling for everyone including those that don’t really need disabled access.

            • ASeriesOfPoorChoices
              -14 months ago

              supposedly, the only acceptable answer on Lemmy is “give your house away for free”. Not even joking a little.

              Everyone should be able to own their own house for free, and renting shouldn’t exist. Apparently.

              This is not a site/network for nuance or discussion. It’s a place for autists to scream communism and linux at each other. 🤷‍♂️ Or something like that.

              As for pointers - you’re probably fine as long as the roof isn’t leaking.

              • Dremor
                4 months ago

                There are a lot more to it than just a roof without leaks. Add to that a decent isolation, water and electrical installations that are conform to an ever evolving norm, basic equipments (and some facultative ones) in working order.
                Honestly when I hear some horror stories about some of the worst rental houses, I’m as angry as anyone here. But I find unfortunate that some of my fellow leftist prefer to caricature instead of trying to understand that not every landlord is a money hungry bastard 😅.
                My house was my grandma house, I just happened to be the next one in charge of keeping it in a decent state.

                • ASeriesOfPoorChoices
                  14 months ago


                  “in charge of keeping it in a decent state”

                  that is exactly, literally what I meant, with less joking. And there’s the autism in Lemmy coming through again.

      • Aviandelight
        184 months ago

        This wasn’t a one off reply though. This lady was sent multiple emails responses that were disparaging. This was a clear case of wilful abuse. Also where is the anger from the Pagan community at having their beliefs used to belittle those who are disadvantaged?

      • @[email protected]
        4 months ago

        At no point did I hold that individual responsible for the system (I literally hold landlords responsible at one point, but this story isn’t about landlords, is it??), but they ARE responsible for their own actions within said system, and for directly causing harm to this family (and I guarantee, many others) with the little power they yield (and before you even try - yes, landlords and those in power cause an altogether different level of harm, but until you’ve been faced with this kind of attitude and discrimination from the bootlicking gatekeepers who just love having a drop of power over the lives of others less fortunate than them, you don’t have a fucking clue the kind of deep and long lasting impact it has, not only mentally, but materially).

        Their own circumstances, which MANY share yet magically aren’t cruel arseholes, are not a fucking excuse nor justification for that kind of bigoted bullshit. I have no sympathy for those who have no sympathy for others, and who take their frustration with our world out by punching down instead of up.

        So you please keep in mind that excusing or brushing off this kind of attitude and behaviour tells people like me just how little value our lives and well being hold in your opinion.

        E: honestly, your comment is the perfect demonstration of why class reductionism isn’t just counter productive, but actively harmful, and why intersectionality is absolutely imperative if you hope to ever better society for everyone (because even if you improve the material conditions of this civil servant, it won’t magically make them no longer ableist or misogynist, only, maybe, less classist).

  • @Thrillhouse
    734 months ago

    Isn’t it funny how the public servant basically manifested the home for her because she probably has a great lawsuit now?

    • @[email protected]
      144 months ago

      Sure, if she finds a lawyer who will work pro bono.

      Even then, she and her son will be homeless for a long time before winning anything.

  • Aatube
    484 months ago

    “There were a lot of links that were emailed to me about manifesting a house and using witchcraft … I think it was 17 links in total all about positive manifestations,” she said.

    • @[email protected]
      214 months ago

      I suspect this public servant is just a hapless idiot. It’s obviously not the housing authority’s policy to recommend witchcraft. This person probably had good intentions.

      That doesn’t make it “ok”, nor make the system any less broken, it just explains what’s happened.

      As an aside, in Australia you can’t evict a tenant if they have no where to go. There isn’t a bailiff in Australia that would put this woman and her son on the street.

      • ObliviousEnlightenment
        34 months ago

        I wish America were that enpathetic. Here we actively scorn those sorts of people as “losers” who deserve it

    • @DrownedRats
      44 months ago

      17 seems like overkill. If it worked, surely 1 would be enough.

  • @[email protected]
    144 months ago

    Visualizing an opportunity is fine, but you better add in “recognizing” and “engaging with” to that list.