Because I stunk at the Travle today!

Word Grid #45
Rarity: 0.9 🐐

  • Zagorath
    32 months ago

    How do you share your result on this one? It keeps just popping up a thing asking if I want to share to OneNote, Outlook, or Skype.

    Out of interest, what’s the etiquette, too? I got slightly over 10 initially, then updated two of my worst guesses to get about 7. Do people usually spend time updating to get the best possible, or is it polite to use only your first guess?

    • @lemonmelon
      22 months ago

      I think I used the button labeled “copy” instead of the “share” one. That might work for you, too.

      My feel on the etiquette for this one is that replacing your previous guesses seems to be encouraged by both the game’s format and the site features. That’s at least how I’m playing it.

      • Zagorath
        32 months ago

        Hmm. Maybe I’m missing something somehow, but I don’t see any “copy” button.

        Thanks for the feedback on the etiquette. I definitely had to use that strategy on #46 to get the score from the above screenshot.

        • @lemonmelon
          22 months ago

          Interesting, this is how mine looks:

        • @[email protected]OP
          12 months ago

          Mine has a Copy and a Share buttons like lemonmelon’s. They both work in Chrome on Android, but only Copy seems to work on Firefox.

          • Zagorath
            12 months ago

            Oh that’s really weird. On Windows, Edge’s “Share” button pops up the annoying share sheet thing I described. On Firefox though, I get a “Share” button (not a “Copy” button), but pressing it changes it to say “Copied”, and it’s on my clipboard.

            Guess it depends on browser. That’s really weird and inconsistent.