Don’t use the hump word or it’s an instaban! Just kidding, I’m no mod, I’m just some guy, you know.

What games have you been playing this last week? Video games or other. Have you gone back to Tears of the Kingdom yet? Are you spending the rainy school holidays stuck inside playing Pokemon cards with your kids? Found something in the Steam summer sale you want to shout about? Let us know here.

  • Sausage
    92 years ago

    I finally caved in to the hype and bought Dave the Diver. It’s very enjoyable. There’s nothing revolutionary about it so far but it’s very well put together, and funny in a way that I haven’t seen in a video game since the old point and click games.

    • rubikcuberOP
      32 years ago

      Oh, I heard Nic Wiger rave about this on a recent Get played podcast. I need to check it out. Thanks for the reminder.

  • Ulu-Mulu-no-die
    72 years ago

    Not the summer sale but the Steam fest, I played House Flipper 2 demo, I really enjoyed it and it turned out it was the most played one.

    House Flipper is a sort of simulator, the purpose of the game is to buy houses in horrible conditions, renovate them and resell them, there’s something oddly satisfying in it, I love it :D

  • Fish
    62 years ago

    I bought an emulation handheld so I’m revisiting my past.

    Played Codenames with friends at the bar yesterday. It’s a fun and frustrating came of word association.

    Going to try to get the handheld set up on the TV for “level or life” shenanigans later in the week. If not, there’s an agility game where you stack little plastic chairs that is more fun than it has any right to be after a few.

    • rubikcuberOP
      32 years ago

      Ah excellent. I got an Anbernic RG35XX a couple of months ago and am loving it. Had a couple of spare hours at the weekend and just did some grinding for magic in Final Fantasy VI. Nothing else. Just some grinding. Loved it.

      • Fish
        22 years ago

        I got the 35xx set up too. That and a Steam Deck seems to be the dream for full emulation + indie, which is all I play anymore. But, it’s £X00 away which could be better spent.

    • @[email protected]
      2 years ago

      I bought an RG351P years ago and I love, I’m currently away for the week and took it with me, been playing Castlevania Symphony of the Night.

      I am tempted to get an new unit, although I really like the GBA style form factor.

      Am also looking forward to getting home and playing some more Tears of the Kingdom.

  • @B0NK3RS
    52 years ago

    Pikmin, finished it on the weekend. It’s been a long while since I played the first one so many good memories came flooding back. I did rush the last level/battle so there were many casualties that day!

    Shenmue 3, finally started my playthrough after putting it off for years now and so far so good. There are a few things that I don’t like already (stamina & food system…) but it’s good to be back in the world.

    Minecraft Story Mode, playing this one with the kids and my youngest is loving it.

    • rubikcuberOP
      32 years ago

      Pikmin! When I worked in a games studio in the early 2000s a couple of people played this religiously on the big screen. I wanted to, but could never get into it. Made me feel a bit sick, which thinking about it I now realise was probably the rear projection setup. Maybe I need to give it another go on the Switch.

      And Shenmue! I am only about halfway though Shenmue 1. Played it on the Dreamcast. I feel I must try and get back into it. I think I have 1, 2 and 3 all playable on the Series X.

      • @B0NK3RS
        2 years ago

        I’m playing the Switch version (which is the Wii update) so plays very well. Pikmin is one of those games that until you play it nobody can quite visualise it. It’s amazing but trying to tell somebody “I grow little flower creature people using an onion and then they follow me around and start fights…”

  • @ceviem
    52 years ago

    I bought Hacknet on Steam the other day for just over £1, been playing that in bursts in between WoW and Diablo IV.

    • @scholar
      32 years ago

      I really enjoyed Hacknet, definitely keep a notebook so you can keep track of things

      • @ceviem
        22 years ago

        Probably keep a txt file on my 2nd screen just to feel 5% more hacker-y.

  • @TeaHands
    42 years ago

    Well, since last week’s thread I think I’ve managed maybe one half-hour session in Deep Rock Galactic and not much of anything else! Such is life.

    Still, gonna keep recommending DRG to anyone who will listen because not only is it an FPS that is actually fun, the community is great and isn’t weird about women playing the way a lot of FPS communities can be, and also the solo mode is not only playable but actively fun for those times when you just can’t be arsed with other people!

    Rock and stone!

  • @CrankyCarrot
    32 years ago

    Hump word?

    Dave the Diver mostly, but also some Sleeping Dogs. Also bought Cassette Beasts but not had a chance to play much yet.

  • @[email protected]
    32 years ago

    Still playing Tears of Kingdom. Think I’m nearly done with all quests apart from final boss. First I’d like to get all armour and upgraded. But beyond that it might be nearly end of game time.

    Not sure after that. Just dusted off the old GameCube as it’s been a while since I played that. Also have Humble Bundle of metroidvania games I’d like to start.

  • @Jackthelad
    32 years ago

    Going to try out World War Z: Aftermath with a couple of friends later, as it was just added to PS Plus.

    I got the platinum trophy on the Fast & Furious game they added to it yesterday too, but a quick and easy platinum is the only positive I can say for that game. 😂

  • Another Llama ⓥ
    32 years ago

    Something I picked up in the summer sale was Space Haven (Steam) and it’s really fun. Challenging, but fun. It’s a nice mix of building, colony simulation, and resource management - and it’s all in spaaaace!

    I also picked up Death Road To Canada (Steam) for just under £3, planned on doing a few runs, but I’m currently 20 hours in and still not bored haha.

    • @TeaHands
      22 years ago

      Space Haven looks like my jam. Please excuse me while I add it to my wishlist and then entirely forget it exists for the next three years.

  • @[email protected]
    32 years ago

    I really got back into playing cyberpunk a couple weeks ago and pretty much no life-ed that game for a week straight, now I don’t want to play that and other games feel boring so I’ve spent the last few days flicking through whatever I have on my desktop to try and find something to play. F1 manager 22 and Red Dead 2 have been pretty decent though.

  • @[email protected]
    22 years ago

    Currently well into Pillars of Eternity: Deadfire. The first game is one of my favourites but I never got into the sequel and I’ve made it my mission to break through the barrier.

  • @Mr_Blott
    22 years ago

    Playing? I’m still trying to figure out Cubase before the trial period ends!

  • HipPriest
    22 years ago

    Still playing a lot of the digital version of Root - the boardgame that looks cute with all the woodland creatures but actually involves a lot of scheming and tactical warfare, great fun!

    A group of us online have basically had at least one game on the go if not several for about a year now… It gets very addictive!