• @Sanctus
    442 months ago

    He seems like he’d like mill decks. “Uh-oh! Looks like you can’t draw any cards! Or play any! Haha isn’t it fun when I’m the only one placing cards!?”

  • @evidences
    222 months ago

    Y’all are wild “hE pLaYs BlUe” nah man I’ll tell you the kind of mtg play Vance is, he’s the dude who shows up the the store ever tournament with the flavor of the month deck that just won the previous scg event. He the dude that shoots every edge and plays just sloppy enough that your wondering if he played and extra land before he corrects you, “two explores”. Lastly he’s the kind of player that is mining salt after missing top 8 because he got beat by someone’s pet tribal deck they been building and playing for the better part of the last decade.

  • @BarbecueCowboy
    192 months ago

    JD Vance definitely plays blue, and not with one of the fun decks.

  • @PugJesus
    182 months ago

    We deserve better rep! Magic players rise up!

    (I actually haven’t played M:TG in a decade lmao)