The joke was dumb, the online reaction to the joke was dumb, a random UAP senator’s dumb comments being quoted globally was dumb and Rudd telling famous musicians and actors to “grow up and get a job” was very dumb. What a time we live in.

    • @[email protected]
      102 months ago

      He’s hedging his bets. He’s been on the record calling Mr Trump a nutter and a danger to civilisation. If he is reelected in November, Mr Rudd’s position as US Ambassador is non-tenable.

      By openly supporting him now, he gets to keep his job in the event of President Trump 2.0.

        • @[email protected]
          52 months ago

          Haha no argument here. Just theorising why he’s suddenly done a complete 180.

          Is US Ambassador the cushiest job in the world? I honestly don’t know. Being kicked out of USA because Mr Trump doesn’t like you would probably be a badge of honour for any European country. I wouldn’t have thought it would make him unemployable as an ambassador to somewhere else prestigious.

      • @[email protected]OP
        22 months ago

        I think there is also an element of the political elite attempting to look after themselves in the wake of an assassination attempt on one of their own. No high level politician is going to be encouraging or dismissing violence if there’s even the slightest chance they could be a future victim to it.

  • @[email protected]
    82 months ago

    Ralph Babet, United Australia Party’s senator for posting on social media, was first to leap into action, demanding the band be deported:

    I call on the Prime Minister Anthony Albanese to join me in denouncing Tenacious D, Jack Black and band member Kyle Gass, and I call on the Immigration Minister Andrew Giles to revoke their visas and deport them immediately.

    This is the same senator who in April refused to take down graphic footage of the attack on Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel from his X account because: “Without free speech our nation will fall”.

    In the U.S., this kind of hypocrisy is so common that people apparently no longer notice it – if they even did in the first place.

  • @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    What is the appropriate response to fascists though? Can we joke about them getting hung from lamp posts or is it too soon?

    I am driving in country SA this morning and I see a fossil in a red trump hat walking in the car park in front of my bumper. He would have been fucked if I was driving a Tesla or one of those stupid yank tanks. Thought about telling him to fuck off back to America or throwing a Seig Heil but I think the sad old fuck was just looking for attention and I wasn’t going to play. His grand kids probably don’t talk to him anymore since they succumbed to the “woke mind virus”. Poor fucker, joining a doomsday cult must be isolating.

    Over a century ago the locals were goose stepping down the street in support of the Kaiser. Nothing much has changed I guess. While we will be dealing with the consequences if the US fucks things up this isn’t our war. People who are disconnected from society think it is but why become one of those sad fucks.

  • @Moghul
    -42 months ago

    Ngl I watched the video and it really seemed to me like Jack Black said “thank you” as a way to smile and nod and move on. Regardless of whether or not he thinks it, whether he agrees, whether he’s said it in private, whether he’s a democrat, he’s not the one who said it. What do people expect him to have done? Call off the show then and there, scold his bandmate on what’s politically acceptable to say?

    It was absolutely the wrong thing to say and Gass is reaping what he sowed, but it sucks to see Jack Black catch so much shit by association. I don’t think he played it wrong. He broke up the band, man. What else does he have going on?

    • @[email protected]OP
      12 months ago

      I don’t think the band broke up, they’ll just take a break during the rest of the election cycle. No point continuing to perform when the crazies are sending you death threats.

  • @[email protected]
    2 months ago

    It’s not a joke, it’s a approval of, and a call for another, assassination attempt.

    • @[email protected]
      782 months ago

      Settle down, mate. It was dark humour, and us Aussies used to be much better at dealing with it, rather than the ridiculous hyperbole we’ve seen from our pollies.

      I don’t condone violence against others, but I can appreciate the dark humour in this situation, where a presidential candidate that has been endorsed by the NRA and refuses to entertain a conversation about gun control, was shot at.

      That country is seriously fucked up and, frankly speaking, deserves to be laughed at by the rest of the world for the shitty place they’ve all put themselves in.

      • Tar_Alcaran
        562 months ago

        where a presidential candidate that has been endorsed by the NRA and refuses to entertain a conversation about gun control, was shot at.

        Especially since he’s been calling for violence against others for years.

      • @[email protected]OP
        222 months ago

        but I can appreciate the dark humour in this situation, where a presidential candidate that has been endorsed by the NRA and refuses to entertain a conversation about gun control, was shot at.

        I don’t think there was that much thought put into it. It was likely just the first thing that came to mind, just as it was for the countless others who made the same joke before him. That’s why I say it was dumb, because it was lazy and unfunny, but it was also pretty obviously played for laughs and not “aNoThEr CaLL fOR aSsAsSiNaTiOn”.

        • @[email protected]
          -22 months ago

          Right with you there - I doubt many would accuse Tenacious D of being funny nowadays, and lazy is right on brand.

        • @[email protected]
          -132 months ago

          I get your perspective, and I love ious D, and I have no fond feelings for Trump. But however flippant and unserious, it is, on the surface, another call for assassination. Jokes encouraging political violence, especially about assassinating a presidential candidate right after an assassination attempt, are in pretty bad taste.

          • @[email protected]OP
            2 months ago

            it is, on the surface, another call for assassination.

            Sure, if you strip away all context. You can criticise the joke without hysterically maximising the intent behind it.

            • @[email protected]
              02 months ago

              Yes, exactly, stripping away all context. It’s not about intent, it’s about the warped perception of public figures. The intent and context, no matter how true, are more subtle than the very real fact that it’s bad business.

    • @[email protected]
      342 months ago

      Several 80’s comedians literally built their careers on regan and pjp attempts. Lost count of the number of times we all watched people hurling shoes at Bush jnr. There is an industry around Kennedy deaths.

      Trump isn’t a special princess who gets to be immune. Harden tf up

    • Zagorath
      332 months ago

      No reasonable person would see Gass’s comments and come away thinking he’s actively calling for assassination.

      • @IsThisAnAI
        -122 months ago

        It’s a joke when my side does it. Fuck I hate people.

        • Zagorath
          12 months ago

          No, it’s a joke when it’s…actually a joke.

    • ASeriesOfPoorChoices
      2 months ago

      look at this septic cunt here, trying to be the fun police.

      EDIT: translation into Muricanese: behold this American person, attempting to spoil a joke.

      • @demizerone
        22 months ago

        Is that Lester Holt’s brother?

        • @[email protected]
          62 months ago

          Harold Holt was the prime minister who disappeared when he went swimming at sea, and was presumed drowned. (There was a conspiracy theory that a Chinese submarine picked him up, though no serious evidence supporting it.)

    • @j4k3
      72 months ago
      I think we have a cultural disconnect here friend. Glancing at your history to see if I want to block for psyops, this comment looks like a stollen account or something.

      BTW your post about a Tai Yai translator, maybe look into the Chinese Yi 34b LLM. I didn’t find a language diagram at a glance, but that is a multi lingual model. There is probably some overlap that contains Tai Yai. I would give it a bunch of momentum with a starting prompt containing a lot of Tai Yai, like 3000 words plus as a lead into the actual task. If the language is there but not a primary part of training, you might get useful results.

      Like I have an LLM that can write code snippets for the extremely obscure Flash Forth language for micro controllers simply by building momentum like this because the info is present in the base model, but is buried deep inside. Depends on your use case.

      Anyways, I don’t pretend to know anything about you, but like, in the USA, Trump is basically running as a Nazi. He is the most dangerous threat to the entire world right now. Republicans are platonic sophists. If you live in areas they control, you only see the dumbest spins and bowdlerized garbage in all forms of easy to find media. It is inevitable, if Trump is elected or overthrows the government, millions of people will die; actually innocent people; people with ethics. It is part of our culture to say fuck that bullshit and value millions of people over Orange Hitler. I have deep respect for anyone that tried to kill Hitler during and before WW2. It takes a real patriot to set themselves aside completely for such a just and noble cause.

      • @[email protected]
        -62 months ago

        Thanks for the tip about preceding the LLM with a bunch of Tai Yai content, I’ll give that a shot.

        You should block me if you think my contributions are a net negative to any discussion. I don’t want to ruin your day in any way

        • @j4k3
          42 months ago

          No no, was just explaining why I’m looking at your older posts/proving it/hinting to others. I like some of your posts that were memorable after a glance through. I just block obvious psychological ops junk when I suspect it might be. It is easier to spot them now when they just get hired or lack better fine tuning. Closer to the election in the USA it will only get worse and harder to spot ;)

          • @[email protected]
            -22 months ago

            Yeah, you’re not wrong. There has been quite the explosion of fresh accounts. Which surprises me, because you would think Lemmy isn’t a big enough target to be worth the effort. Maybe it’s just a form of professional pride to be a completionist

            • @j4k3
              42 months ago

              It is likely the primary driver of all the stalkerware data mining nonsense. Targeting independent thought to drown out any kind of reasonable discussion is a viable strategy. Academics, early adopters, and eccentrics are some of the most dangerous to a corrupt establishment. It only takes one or a few of the most brilliant devs to change the world. One of the primary strategies is content fatigue by the time of the election too.

    • @Evotech
      -12 months ago

      deleted by creator