• @CharlesDarwinOPM
    61 year ago

    Also, for some reason, the DP seemingly has no coverage at all yet about donnie’s target letter. This seems to be a pattern. Remember: the right wing keeps solemnly telling us that there actually is such a thing as a “liberal media” (lol) and the DP is part of this monolithic “liberal media”, obvs.

    And yet, it often omits some of the most egregious revelations about the Republican Party.

    • guymonntag
      21 year ago

      Reality, opinion polls, and the facts all bend left. More so than the MSM can comfortably report, without feeling insecure about their market share.

      Theocratic Capitalist Propagandists have bullied their way into having more influence than representative democracy would otherwise grant them. Anyone who isn’t promoting the Trumpublican faux religion, is biased against them. Clearly and by default.

      Today’s right wing base has been home-schooled on a steady diet of Faux Knewz, Inc. They’ve swallowed the hook from Murdoch, Koch, and Falwell Inc so fully that they see the social safety net, liberal arts education, the Enlightenment, the Age of Reason, and liberal democracy as boots on their necks.

      While their chosen leaders quietly trade their education, their health care, their jobs, and their American dream for billionaire tax cuts, oil rigs, and gun shows.

  • @CharlesDarwinOPM
    61 year ago

    These people really need to have the book thrown at them. Maximum sentences. Otherwise, the Republicans will try it again, and this time, their attempt to do away with democracy may work.

    • guymonntag
      31 year ago

      Agreed. It appears that the wheels of justice are starting to turn a little faster of late, as if DoJ is just now realizing what most of us have understood since he lost the election - that this is a rapidly closing window to re-institute the rule of law; to prevent a collapse of democracy.

      • @CharlesDarwinOPM
        21 year ago

        It’s interesting how the likes of Bannon and Kari Lake are doing classic projection - “they’re coming after us”.

        Yeah, as it turns out, if you break the law, there are consequences to pay. But gross ilk like Bannon and Kari Lake think that they should get away with any and all crimes, including a COUP, and they have wet dreams about weaponizing the government against liberals, women, POC, refugees, etc…