There are, how many, different additional degrees? Dozens, hundreds? It gets mind-numbing. Should Masonry focus on just a few (just Blue lodge), or keep it fractured?

Blue lodge, Royal Arch, Commandery, Knights Masons, etc etc

I fell down the rabbit hole years ago joining IDK how many different bodies until it just became ridiculous.

  • @MyNamesNotMatt
    12 years ago

    The appendant bodies aren’t a fracturing of freemasonry. Blue lodge is freemasonry and the others will forever be the accessory. Blue lodge is fractured along all sorts of lines: geographically, racially, sexually, and even ritually.

  • jonw
    4 months ago

    I’m not sure about consolidate, but I also went down the rabbit hole once and all the appendant bodies I joined didn’t add anything so I demitted from all, and now just craft lodge for me.