• @Ledivin
    2 months ago

    …is the argument here really that pigs require and use the same amount of space as a cow? That’s objectively false in every metric.

    Pigs are smaller animals, eat less (and more varied) food, drink less water, and produce less waste, all of which contribute to a smaller footprint than a cow. None of this is debatable, they’re simply facts.

    If your argument is just that people are shitty and don’t give them enough space, then, I mean… sure, but that’s completely irrelevant in the comparison between cows and pigs.

  • @[email protected]
    32 months ago

    At least the first comment is just about historic facts and I see nothing wrong with that. If there’s war and I have to chose between my whole family starving to death and raising + butchering a pig, I wouldn’t think twice.

    In our modern society however, being vegan is much easier, so that the obvious choice (for me) is not to harm animals completely unneccesarily. But compared to war time or a famine, having that choice is quite a priviledge.

  • @shalafi
    32 months ago

    Removed by mod

  • toomanypancakes
    12 months ago

    Just put them in a box and feed them lots of garbage! They’ll grow fast so you can kill them when they’re bigger. Who gives a fuck what they feel like, they’re a product! You can’t torture a product.