In the spirit of self improvement, let’s kick off a new community with a writing exercise!

Random Prompt: Backyard Scientist

Here is your task:

#Write a description (or scene) without any adjectives, or adverbs.

Some tips:

  • Use stronger verbs
  • Use specific names

You don’t have to post your piece, but if you do, I’m happy to provide some basic feedback. I encourage others to do the same, so we can all learn from each other.

Bonus: If there’s a particular thing you want to work on, let me know in the comments, & I’ll see if I can tailor future tasks to accommodate our needs.

You have two weeks until the next task. (If you’re not done by then, don’t worry, I’ll keep checking old threads.)

  • @ImpronoucablOPM
    11 year ago


    Rows upon rows of beakers dominoed onto the bathroom floor, cascading into malodor. Shoving tissues up his nostrils, Tom stretched up for the window, faffing around by touch until he found a groove. Heaving twice, it opened with a swoosh, as incoming air puffed aside the cloud of acetone and acid.

    Tom took a breath, then gasped as his throat stung. Clenching a fist around a mop, tears of anger filled his eyes as he swabbed the floor.

    His face writhing in agony, a couple of seconds passed; then a dozen, then a minute. Bit by bit, the mop disintergrated with each swipe; flakes of cloth dissolving and bubbling away into fumes.