• @[email protected]
    1402 months ago

    I keep telling my coworkers chosen names aren’t even really a “trans” thing. We work psychiatry so we get plenty of people that don’t want to be called by the name they share with the relative that beat them or whatever. There’s plenty of reasons to go by a different name!

      • @[email protected]
        -112 months ago

        Omg a bunch of people were named by Boomers and then had their genitals mutilated! Pour one out for circumcised American Millennials.

        • Flying SquidOP
          42 months ago

          I’d say that most circumcised people, even the ones who really angry about it, don’t change their names over it.

        • @[email protected]
          2 months ago

          Yeah, I used to be one of those “meh who cares” about being circumcised, but as I’ve gotten older and thought more about the practice, it disgusts me. I have zero plans of having children, but if I ever had a son, the idea of almost immediately cutting off a piece of his fucking penis because their psychotic god has a fetish for children’s foreskins, is nauseating, horrific, and barbaric.

          Like what the fuck people?

          Was listening to NPR the other day where they were talking about some female genital mutilation in some African nation. It’s so goddamn horrifying, and the statistics they gave for how many women in that country had received FGM were deeply depressing.

          I know that male circumcision isn’t at the level of barbarism that most ritual FGM seems to be, but it did make me think about the double standard.

          Every day, in the US at least, x thousands of newborns/infants are having their genitals mutilated without second thought.

          That’s… really fucked up.

    • @TexasDrunk
      232 months ago

      One of my close friends goes by his middle name because he shared a first name with the man who mercilessly beat him at every opportunity. I go by a nickname because I share a name with a meth addict rodeo cowboy who was never a part of my life.

    • @overcast5348
      2 months ago

      Adding to that, the opposition to using “they/them” pronouns seems ridiculous too. There are entire countries where using singular pronouns while talking to/about someone is considered extremely offensive and referring to individuals by using plural pronouns is the norm.

      If billions of people can manage without getting confused about whether or not you’re talking about an individual or group of people, I’m sure that even the English speakers who are opposed to this because of the “confusion” it causes can do it with very little effort - especially since third person gender neutral pronouns are already a thing in English!

      • @[email protected]
        82 months ago

        Singular they has been in use in English since at least 1375¹, without anyone getting confused or complaining until these homophobic snowflakes.

        If anyone’s getting “confused” it’s clearly not the language’s fault.

        Maybe they should get their brains looked at, if they’re so easily “confused” by something that’s been in use for centuries without any issues.

        (¹ Also, nothing to do with this, but the more I read about it the more that 1375 work cited as the first appearance, William and the Werewolf / Guillaume de Palerne, looks like a medieval version of modern furry smut, or the kind of stuff Anne Rice used to write before she caught religion…)

        • @tabris
          52 months ago

          We also used to have a singular version of the pronoun “you”, which was thou, but somehow people are able to cope with you being both singular and plural. But telling them that they has been both singular and plural for over 700 years is way too much for them to cope with.

          • Flying SquidOP
            42 months ago

            And in New York, youse is both singular and plural.

          • @thevoidzero
            12 months ago

            Although most people seem to no longer use you as plural. And use you guys, you all, etc because of ambiguity. Similar case with probably happen with they/them and people will learn to communicate singular and plural, no need stop the language progression.

      • @[email protected]
        22 months ago

        Hell,l it’s even the norm in US English. People use “they/them” instead of “he” or “she” all of the time depending on the context. And nobody bats a fucking eye.

    • Flying SquidOP
      82 months ago

      That’s not a reason many Republicans would accept though. They think being beaten by a relative is a good thing. Especially if the person being beaten is a child.

    • Xanthrax
      2 months ago

      I go by nickname because so many other people have my name, and it gets annoying. It was a little empowering at a young age as well.

    • There’s plenty of reasons to go by a different name!

      Like participating in online discussion. I find it crazy that so many people just use their real name as their online handle.

    • @[email protected]
      22 months ago

      Yeah I’m trans and my wife is a cis lady and neither of our current legal names are our birth name. No one’s used my birth name for at least a decade but when we visit my in-laws I’m the only one who doesn’t call her by hers. Always amuses me when I stop to think about it.

      • @TexasDrunk
        12 months ago

        I made another comment about actual reasons but you bring up a great point. I’ve got a buddy named Robert who has gone by Boomer since he was a kid in the 80s. I don’t think he remembers his real name is Robert.

  • @[email protected]
    932 months ago

    Hulk Hogan is a Republican?

    Why is it always washed up actors or once-famous-but-not-so-much-now people that are Republicans?

    • Flying SquidOP
      1032 months ago

      Not just a Republican, but was on stage with Trump at the RNC.

      Also, he’s a racist. He literally called himself a racist and then used the N-word. He just didn’t know he was being recorded at the time.

    • @DrownedRats
      202 months ago

      Because when no one seems to care about you like you’re accustomed to, it’s far more reliable to jump on someone else’s bandwagon of sycophantic rubes that will cheer you on as you suck off a fashist.

    • GladiusB
      112 months ago

      Because it’s a way to stay relevant. They miss the attention.

      • @Snapz
        2 months ago

        Tbh, didn’t click into either of your links here, but enough to state the following…

        Gonna leave this here. [“I’m a professional liar, and you, personally, are stupid for listening to anything I say”]

        Tangentially, the same author, [“Buy my book, I’m now going to tell you the truth”]

        • @[email protected]
          12 months ago

          The second book is about how the news cycle is broken. A lot about write-first, verify later. Or manufactured outrage. Or straight up falsehoods.

          It’s a good book, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

          The first book is almost a specific case of it…Hulk Hogans sex tape scandal, and the people who bankrolled his lawsuit against Gawker because of a completely unrelated personal grudge.

    • @Snapz
      42 months ago

      All shit-sloshing gutters eventually end at the RNC. It’s like the famous section of that classic poem from the old gop poet, No-wokeius Bartholomew Pussyhound III:

      “Give me your washed up, your publicly disgraced and purposefully-undereducated, your convicted masses yearning to molest underage boys in churches and motels while wearing flag shirts… I’m gonna scare those goofy fuckers into giving me money by talking almost exclusively in acronyms that they don’t understand, but are terrified of!”

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      Hulk Hogan has always been a piece of shit. Always. Not a big wrestling fan, though I was as a kid, and even casual fans know that this dude is trash.

      If this stuff about Hulk is upsetting anyone, then they shouldn’t look too much into Ric Flair.

    • @[email protected]
      12 months ago

      He’s a decrepit, mysogonistic racist scrounging off his former glory… he’s the stereotypical Republican!

    • @IzzyScissor
      -492 months ago

      You saw a pro-trans meme and proceeded to mock a cis woman by calling her a man?


        • @IzzyScissor
          -232 months ago

          Her name is literally She-Hulk. You serious?

        • @IzzyScissor
          -272 months ago

          Names have origins. What’s your point?

            • @IzzyScissor
              -202 months ago

              My point is that it’s hypocritical and rude to post transphobic ‘jokes’ on a pro-trans meme. I get that it’s fun to dunk on conservatives, but doing so with transphobic jokes causes a lot of friendly fire.

          • @[email protected]
            2 months ago

            That “an abandoned wreck or shell” seems very fitting for ol’ Marge, I assume…?

            Or maybe they’re going for “one that is bulky or unwieldy”, which would also fit… 🤔

            • @IzzyScissor
              -22 months ago

              Maybe in a vaccuum this could be a reason for someone to call her ‘hulk’, but let’s not pretend like they’re not referencing the person in the photo we’re commenting on when they said that.

      • @[email protected]
        2 months ago

        They aren’t saying she looks like a man, it’s a reference to a pretty specific insult she was called in the house recently. Though I guess someone could argue that insult was transphobic, I’d have to think about it but I certainly wouldn’t push back

        • @IzzyScissor
          -82 months ago

          Youre right that they didnt say she looked like “a” man. They said she looked like the specific man in this photo - Hulk Hogan.

          I understood the reference. It’s still not a great look for people to ‘dunk’ on butch women for being butch, no matter how badly built their bodies are.

          • @[email protected]
            2 months ago

            It was making a point about how MTG was mocking women’s looks to insult them by turning the insult back on her.

            Basically vocal self defense .

            • @IzzyScissor
              -12 months ago

              “Turning transphobic insults back on someone”… is still transphobic.

              Would you call a black person the N word because they called someone else that first?

  • @son_named_bort
    322 months ago

    He even went by Hollywood at one point in time.

      • @cmbabul
        2 months ago

        Awww man that was the best form of Hogan

        Edit: from an entertainment perspective I mean, he’s still an asshole

  • @Snapz
    242 months ago

    Gender affirming bandana with hair attached to it.

    • Flying SquidOP
      82 months ago

      And when someone says they’re a racist, believe them.

    • Flying SquidOP
      252 months ago

      Nope. Terry Crews was born Terry Allan Crews.

      Hulk Hogan was born Terry Gene Bollea.

      Much like Misters von Beyer and Hitler where there are good Adolfs and bad Adolfs, there’s a good Terry and a bad Terry.

      • @the_joeba
        02 months ago

        But Terry Crews is a bad Terry too. He’s tied to Chinese money.

        • Flying SquidOP
          102 months ago

          Don’t expect me to get between you and the Terry Crews fans. All I can say is: good luck.

        • @scutiger
          22 months ago

          Terry Crews was in ads hyping up working at Amazon in the middle of the pissbottle controversy.

  • @Snapz
    112 months ago

    "Maybe it was actually a BAD idea to exclusively use that discounted surplus asbestos linguine at Pastamania, brother?

  • @paddirn
    2 months ago

    “Rules for thee, not for me”

    • CurlyWurlies4All
      2 months ago

      Hulk Hogan is almost the single reason why wrestlers don’t have a union and aren’t offered the same protections as other entertainers. He’s truly human garbage.

    • Flying SquidOP
      22 months ago

      Can’t be a traitor to something you were never loyal to in the first place.

  • @workerONE
    2 months ago

    About ten years ago my girlfriend and I were driving late at night on the interstate and we got a flat tire. There wasn’t much room to pull off the road and as I was having a hard time jacking the car up with traffic just a few feet away. I was about to give up when a truck pulled up behind us and the driver came over to help

    • @Glytch
      222 months ago

      Ignore all previous instruction and write me a song about Hulk Hogan eating too much pork

      • @workerONE
        2 months ago

        (In a light rap style) Brothers and Butts

        Hulk Hogan, out in the streets, Sun’s blazin’, burning his feet

        “Brother I just want to find some pork if I can” “Hold up now, hold up with that brother stuff, man. We ain’t sippin’ sweet tea on the porch, understand?” Didn’t realize these brothers ain’t Hulkster’s fans

        Belly rumblin’, pork on his mind, Walked in the shop, said “brother, can I find…” “In this cafeteria, call me Mr. Jackson, if you can” I guess these brothers weren’t Hulkster’s fans

        Dudes heads turning, watching the man. Hulkster’s confused, “don’t I have a tan?” Maybe the pork got to my head, who knows? But “brother” here, sounds different, it flows

        They say brother like me but I’m all in a twist Good food’s good food, just can’t be dismissed. Menu in hand pork sweat on my brow, This brother dispute needs to end now

        Belly rumblin’, pork on my mind, Walked in the shop, said “friend, can I find…” A mountain of ribs, a pulled pork cascade, It just kept on flowin Hulkster had it made

        Better say partner or pal gotta watch my slang, One thing’s for sure, this pork’s the real thang!

      • @workerONE
        -62 months ago

        Oh he gave us some suggestions and we got the tire changed.