i’ve been lurking for a bit and didn’t really want to start commenting for the first time in the past few days for some reason. but i’m happy to see this community has been created.
am new to lemmy but i’ve been mod of anarchist spaces on other platforms and if there is one thing i’ve learned it is to ban electoralism entirely, including advocating for voting. i get that the outcomes of elections do have an impact, and i’m trans and vulnerable to that as well, and people are going to have v strong feelings on it. but it brings nothing but endless derailment of any space, anytime the US has an election, and it’s not like we make up a big enough demographic to influence the results anyway.
Yeah & it’s not like there’s the rest of the internet where people can promoted a candidate. /s
yeah but it’s more than that. so much focus on the political cycle of one country, particularly when that country has elections every 2 years, is really corrosive to a community and is not remotely constructive to discussion of actual anarchism.
Welcome to Lemmy!
thank you! i think.
Anarchism instance
Click sidebar and see a list of rules
Anarchism is opposition to hierarchy not rules.
ah, yes, the One Joke for Anarchism. the one that totally wasn’t already addressed at length over a century ago.
Click sidebar and see a list of rules
There’s no state apparatus or similar system of institutional violence in place to enforce the written rules.
Thanks for creating it !
No problem.
You pictured Emma Goldman twice