And yet they are braying for Trump Lite who is playing directly from the US christofascist playbook of grievance and identity politics while making impossible promises without ever telling us how he plans to deliver. But, he’s"not Trudeau" amiright?

  • @[email protected]
    642 months ago

    Jagmeet Singh isn’t Trudeau either, and the NDP actually has policies that would help people. But people still turn to the Conservatives, despite their track record of making things worse and their new affinity for far-right populism.

    • @MetaCubed
      232 months ago

      No matter how much you lay out that policies passed by the NDP are more effective at resolving the issues that they’re flocking to PP for… They always circle back around to “but they havent stopped trudeau” or “they never do anything” or even (the funniest one) “they’re corrupt”

      I’m hopeful for the states now that kamala is the likely nominee… But I think we’re doomed up here

      • @[email protected]
        112 months ago

        I’m really hoping she wins so PP doesn’t have a tidal wave of fascism down south to surf on, and at least has to generate his own momentum.

    • @SamuelRJankis
      222 months ago

      Jagmeet has also done a ton more for Canadians with 24 seats compared to Pierre and his 118.

      • @[email protected]
        2 months ago

        Yes. Unlike PP and the Conservatives, he actually wants to do things for Canadians.

      • pipsqueak1984
        -92 months ago

        The CPC is His Majesty’s Loyal Opposition, their job is to oppose the His Majesty’s Government (aka the Liberals). Can you point our where he has failed at this?

        • MapleEngineerOP
          72 months ago

          They are supposed to oppose things that aren’t in the best interest of Canadians, to stop government abuse they absolutely can support things that are in the best interest of Canadians.

        • @SamuelRJankis
          52 months ago

          Are you disputing my comment or just randomly asking me a question?

          • pipsqueak1984
            -12 months ago

            You said that the NDP has done more for Canadians than the CPC, so since the CPC’s job is to oppose the government can you point out when they failed to do that to the detriment of Canadians?

            • @SamuelRJankis
              22 months ago

              Just to be clear we are in agreement that NDP has done more for Canadians this term.

              If CPC/Oppositions job is purely to oppose the government why did they vote yes thousands of times on Liberal/NDP motions. By your standard are you saying Conservative MP’s are so incompetent they don’t when to stand or press the right button?

              • pipsqueak1984
                2 months ago

                I’m not certain the NDP has done more than the CPC, but of they have it’s been outweighed by propping up all the other bullshit of this government.

                How many times now has Singh chastised the Liberals but supported the very same policies anyways when it actually came down to votes in Parliament?

                My point about it being the CPC’s job to oppose is that it’s not their job to come up with ideas.

                Edit: Basically, my view is that although the NDP have done a few positive things (as have the Liberals) they’ve been a net negative on the country since 2019 whereas the CPC net is basically zero because the odd few things they’ve tried to do other than oppose, both positive and negative, don’t pass in Parliament. IMHO the biggest positive thing that has happened since 2019 the CPC and NDP (and Bloc) voted together on against the Liberals: when they stopped the Liberals from assuming unaccountable emergency power right at the beginning of the pandemic… It’s too bad this alliance didn’t continue.

                • @SamuelRJankis
                  12 months ago

                  assuming unaccountable emergency power

                  Logically speaking wouldn’t you be against the person who said they’d use the notwithstanding clause running the country?

                  From a Conservatives perspective NDP is blocking them from taking over and saving the country. From Progressive perspective the NDP is preventing a bad government turning even worse.

  • Funderpants
    2 months ago

    45% of CPC voters think Trump will usher in an era of peace and stability.

    Just let that nonsense sink in.

    In fact, CPC voters drags the numbers significantly in every category. Where LPC and NDP voters are 1-4% in agreement, the CPC is 20-45%.

    Fucking deranged

    • Avid Amoeba
      2 months ago

      I have one in my family. It’s truly deranged shit. This is why campaigns should focus on talking to the rest of us and getting us out to vote.

      With that said, the Liberal status quo hasn’t done nearly enough for regular Canadians. Superficial measures pre-NDP deal. Half-measures after that. They’ve let provincial governments sabotage their flagship policies. Now they’re letting dentist orgs do the same for the dental care program. Shamefully superficial action on housing. They’ve let all levels of governments to mop the floors with unions. Unlike Biden’s government, it seems like the LPC is still largely stuck in the confines of neoliberal economics with the exception of debt, which is a positive development but it’s not enough. They have to get bold and begin deploying nonmarket solutions where the market doesn’t do what’s needed. For example, get the CMHC to mass build housing again.

      My point is that if there was significant action on these points their effects would be obvious to point out to the Trumper and they’d obviously get the benefit to themselves. Then it would be easy to communicate the message that Pipsqueak is gonna take all of this away.

  • @MyDogLovesMe
    222 months ago

    Because the visual of PP bent over, and getting fucked by America while Trump whispers “51st state” in his ear, while he pays for the privilege with Canadian resources, is a bit offensive.

  • kbal
    92 months ago

    66%! I’d have guessed more like 85.

    • folkrav
      72 months ago

      It’s interesting how this newfound patriotism, that drives them to protect this country from Trudeau, doesn’t extend to being deeply critical of Trump’s term, considering how much he fucked us at every turn.

  • @xc2215x
    42 months ago

    Good for Canadians.

  • pipsqueak1984
    -62 months ago

    Well get ready for it then, because despite Harris increasing the odds of the Democrats winning my money is still on Trump. You don’t have to like the guy (I don’t, I would’ve preferred if another Republican candidate won the primaries) to look at it objectively; too many people are letting their emotions influence their thought process on who will win.