• @[email protected]
    1472 months ago

    “I’ve met so many queer and trans kids and young people who had a huge amount of identification with Potter on that and so seeing them hurt on that day, I wanted them to know that not everybody in the franchise felt that way,” he (Radcliffe) wrote. "And that was really important.”

    • bizarroland
      972 months ago

      I have a lot of respect for Daniel Radcliffe. As far as actors go he seems to be a pretty upright guy.

          • Ech
            172 months ago

            Also highly recommend Miracle Workers. He’s fantastic, but so is the rest of the cast.

            • @xantoxis
              92 months ago

              Weird: The Al Yankovic story is incredibly watchable

            • @MintyFresh
              92 months ago

              That’s a sleeper of a show! Steve Buscemi is in it, who seems a gem as well.

            • @[email protected]
              22 months ago

              The first season was amazing, but I felt lost in the 2nd season. It went a bit too off the rails for me.

              • Ech
                22 months ago

                It does get pretty strange, hah. Probably not for everyone, but people that liked Swiss Army Man would probably dig it.

  • @[email protected]
    632 months ago

    Fuck that transphobic rich old bag. No one owes her anything, least of all an apology for being inclusive…

    • @Pilferjinx
      222 months ago

      Does anyone know why she’s extremely active in the transphobic rhetoric? Is she just bored now that she has all the money one could hope for? It’s strange to me.

      • Ech
        472 months ago

        As far as I can make sense of the “why”, she’s been deeply affected by past abuse and has been an avid supporter of abused women for most of her life. And when she got push back in milder comments of hers about concerns on trans individuals in what she sees as exclusively cisgendered women’s spaces, she chose to take it as an attack on the groups she values instead of a chance to adapt. Since then she’s just dug in further and further. I’d like to think that one day she’ll be able to see the common ground, but it seems unlikely at this point.

        And fwiw, none of this is meant as a defense of her actions. Just an explanation.

        • @ech @Pilferjinx Well she never actually believed Trans woman are woman even though she said that she supports us. All started to come out when a Terf got fired for discriminating against Trans colleague and Jo raised her voice in support of the Terf. She basically sounded like a white cishet misogynist man. And from there she is just on revenge path and she doesn’t care who she hurts (kids included). Even if she finds a common ground, there is absolutely nothing she can do to compensate for the damage she has done.

          • @gedhrel
            52 months ago

            Not fired; the woman in question was on a fixed contract which wasn’t renewed when it came to an end, because she was bullying and acting like an unpleasant arse.

            The judgement was careful and thoughtful, but was glossed as “you can’t even say you’re a woman without going to prison these days”. When you read about a judgement that sounds so bizarre as to be unbelievable, there is a good chance (in the UK at the least) that it didn’t say what is reported. (Cf. “We can’t deport terrorists because it’s against their pet cat’s human rights”.) Social media is a machine for making people insane. The rest is history.

            • @gedhrel
              2 months ago

              The ruling makes for excellent reading. Anyone has a right to their beliefs, but professing those beliefs is not protected if they are not “worthy of respect in a democratic society, being not incompatible with human dignity and not conflicting with the fundamental rights of others”. In terms of the paradox of tolerance, it’s a remarkable bit of good sense.

              Maya Forstater was the name IIRC; that doesn’t spring readily to mind but that line really stuck.

          • @captainlezbian
            22 months ago

            No actions will be sufficient to undo the harm, but there are actions that can demonstrate change and shift the balance of harm to help away from where it is. Her actions are like with climate change, what’s done is done and there are consequences that can’t be avoided, but it still is worth doing a full 180

        • @[email protected]
          22 months ago

          i would largely agree with you, though it seems to me that (as is often the case) the resposes to her milder comments had a sort of push-and-pull effect: she was critizised by lgbt-activists on the one side, yes. but I think the approval she got from the other side (ranging from confused older people like herself at the time, all the way to basically nazis) might have had an even bigger effect. she is now pretty entrenched in the transphobic circles, and i dont think that just happens by virtue of being told off on the internet.

          youtuber shaun has 2 pretty good videos on rowlings new friends:

          JK Rowling’s New Friends


          Kellie-Jay & the Neo-Nazis

      • @[email protected]
        132 months ago

        Some people get a little success and think that that justifies being a condescending and cruel alleged expert on everything in the world, free from consequences.

        See: The creator of Dilbert, Elon Musk, Shia LaBeauf, Andrew Tate, etc.

  • @mumblerfish
    572 months ago

    He didn’t even offer an apology. This is just some fan and jkr coping.

  • @[email protected]
    442 months ago

    “vulnerable women reliant on single-sex spaces” deserve help, and safe spaces, but that does not require abusing other vulnerable people. Casting all LGBTQ+ folks as potential predators is not okay.

    Maybe, we could all install some privacy effective bathroom stall doors and all feel safer while we poop.

    And let’s legally mandate them. Folks installing an entire new business facility can afford a more expensive door. We don’t have to keep sucking at this.

    • @[email protected]
      142 months ago

      We should probably just get rid of the whole concept of gendered bathrooms. Just have stalls that offer privacy to everyone and you’re good.

      • @[email protected]
        2 months ago

        I was at a relatively large chain bar this weekend and that’s how it was - one long normal halfway for the bathrooms with rows of normal doors on each side for “stalls”. They also used those toilets that have the sink in the top.

        It was AWESOME, especially as a lady in a bar setting. Felt much more public and protected in the ways that matter (well lit shared hallway with lots of visibility and traffic) and private and secure in the ways that mattered. Especially with the sink and mirror also in the room, it was so nice to take a second to freshen up without trying to get out of there ASAP or worrying about dealing with some belligerent drunk wandering into the wrong bathroom on accident (BTW, much larger issue than “fake” trans women).

        Loved it. 10/10 no notes. Everyone should do this.

        Edit to add - it was also really nice from a disability standpoint, I think! Partner recently injured himself in an awkward manner, and it was MUCH less awkward helping him get situated in that setup - there was just the one shared handicap stall and it was right at the front, and no one batted an eye at me helping him all the way to it. No awkward walk past the urinals, haha.

        On that note I also think that would be a killer setup with kids - no taking your “slightly-too-young-to-be-alone daughter” into the men’s room, no following her into the women’s room, and vice-versa. Good stuff.

        • @[email protected]
          32 months ago

          On that note I also think that would be a killer setup with kids - no taking your “slightly-too-young-to-be-alone daughter” into the men’s room, no following her into the women’s room, and vice-versa. Good stuff.

          Yep. It’s great! So much of a good accessible design makes everyone better off. I hope we see a lot more of this.

    • @[email protected]
      2 months ago

      but you see, only one group can be vulnerable at a time, and this time it’s women, so trans people have to be the ones we exclude and accuse of being the oppressors this time around, sorry

  • @[email protected]
    322 months ago

    I just felt that her character has always been to advocate for the most vulnerable members of society. The problem is that there’s a disagreement over who’s the most vulnerable. -Evanna Lynch

    This in itself wouldn’t be a problem though, right? You can be an advocate to one group and not want to “cancel” another. But she goes all in on the Anti-Trans-Rights narrative and is less public about just women’s rights.

    • @[email protected]
      152 months ago

      Yes, its a polite way to say shes wrong and misguided but believes shes doing the right thing. Some have referred to her as like an aunt that’s wrong. This would track. They dont want to be overly critical of someone whose work gave them their careers, but they dont agree with her or support her. Like an old racist famy member.

      I this k their comments are all quite measured. It is clear who they support but they are not inflammatory. Bigots and terfs like JK crave attention but dont argue in good faith. Saying they are wrong and moving on is the best thing to do. Youre not going to change their mind, so dont give them a platform to poison others.

  • @BroBot9000
    162 months ago

    Just can’t wait for that hatful woman to croak.

    The world is going to be a better place without people like her spreading hate.