Motorboat Time!
I believe that is Erica Campbell from the early 2000s. Here’s one of my favorite scenes with her.
Wow. I remember her! Flashing back to a teenage me. 😂 Damn, the internet used to have such a different feel. We’re spoiled with speeds and abundance. Managing to download that clip you showed… was a triumphant victory hehe.
Speeds, yes. Abundance, yes. But ”soul* ? Sometimes I’m not so sure. In some ways I miss the old web 1.0 - 1.5 days. Ya know?
There was a quality of… hm, it was definitely way more gratifying when you discovered things. Also chatting with others via IRC networks, ICQ… etc, it felt different than interaction online today. I do miss it.
Erica Campbell and Aria Giovanni… I cant think of a better looking pair of women.
I’ll take 1, them thangs is hangin
Don’t let them drop on your head, might break your neck.
If I’m just motorboating, then I’m going with 3
And if your doing more than just motorboating?..
Probably the first girl. I like dark hair and her face looks like it would sufficiently express pleasure.
2nd from the left
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I like 1 or 4. I think I’m leaning slight more towards 4 this time. Sorry Erica.
No. 1 (first from the left). I like how she seems look directly at me. Also, nice breasts.