Gov. Tim Walz is THE best choice for Vice President! Sign this petition to send a message to the Harris Campaign that we need VP Tim Walz.

Accomplishments as Governor:

  • Universal free school lunches
  • Paid sick and medical leave
  • Banned non-compete agreements
  • Expanded protections for workers at Amazon warehouses
  • Increased wages for Uber and Lyft workers
  • Legalization of cannabis
  • Achieved substantial police reform including bans on chokeholds, peace officers and deescalation training, and an independent Bureau of Criminal Apprehension
  • 100% clean energy by 2040


  • Governor of Minnesota since 2019.
  • US Representative for MN-01 2007-2019
  • 20 years as a public school teacher. Has also taught in China and on an Indian Reservation.
  • BS in Social Sciences, MS in Educational Leadership
  • 24 years service in the Army National Guard
  • Born in rural Nebraska town of West Point
  • @Etterra
    102 months ago

    Sounds good, but he’s not an astronaut & war veteran, so he’s not gonna have as broad general support. As much as it would be nice to be able to rely on abilities alone, in the hell of modern America it’s more practical to prioritize stacking the deck.

  • @rockSlayer
    2 months ago

    He’s our governor, you can’t have him!


  • @paddirn
    12 months ago

    Isn’t that the guy from ‘The Big Lebowski’?