A video spreading on X and Telegram of a man purporting to be a Hamas fighter threatening the Olympics in Paris is part of a Russian-linked disinformation campaign meant to disrupt the event, according to researchers at Microsoft.

On Telegram, Hamas official Izzat al-Risheq denied the video had come from Hamas, calling it a forgery.

Researchers from Microsoft’s Threat Analysis Center, who reviewed the video at NBC News’ request, said it appears to have come from a known Russian disinformation group, noting that details of a previous video about Ukraine match it.

  • Waldowal
    277 months ago

    We’re supposed to believe Ukraine gave away weapons to Hamas in the midst of being attacked? They kind of need those right now.

  • @Siegfried
    127 months ago

    Why would russia try to ruin the olympics when france is already taking care of that? /s

    • @Mirshe
      107 months ago

      Because Russia is mad they’re TECHNICALLY not allowed to compete for a variety of reasons.

      • @jaybone
        127 months ago

        Seriously. “We’ve done a bunch of shitty shit, so nobody wants us around. So we’re going to do some more shitty shit because we’re assmad about it.” It’s just so ridiculous and childish. No wonder Trump loves these dickheads so much.

      • @Passerby6497
        17 months ago

        I’m still annoyed that Russian athletes get to participate at all after all the bullshit Russia has pulled. I know it would suck for the Russian athletes, but participation isn’t a right, especially for nations that are actively bad faith participants.

        • @Mirshe
          7 months ago

          The independent Russian Athletes thing they did for Russia is a compromise, because the IOC is all corrupt as hell and can’t stand losing ANY viewers. They knew that saying “yeah but we don’t care about the thing with Ukraine” wouldn’t fly, so they did that instead (despite a lot of the athletes still doping and not maintaining neutrality on the war like they’re supposed to). I’m honestly mad several countries are allowed to compete under their own flags, including Israel and Iran (ironically, there’s a TON of Iranian athletes competing AGAINST IRAN on the Refugee team this year).

  • Flying Squid
    117 months ago

    You would think just actually finding some poor Palestinian schlub to commit a terrorist act on Russia’s behalf would have been easy enough. I wouldn’t be shocked if there were some Palestinian refugees in Russia who have since found out that it is not a good place to seek asylum.

    • @jaybone
      07 months ago

      Used to be you’d hear of Russian Jews moving to Israel. I had not heard of Palestinians fleeing to Russia. What a strange world we live in.

  • @zik
    7 months ago

    Get Rainbolt to have a look and he’ll tell you exactly where it was shot in just a few minutes.

  • @TokenBoomer
    -37 months ago

    Trump said he wants to be a dictator, I don’t care.