I’m working on 3D printing the Kubic case, but would like some guidance on hardware to buy for it.

I currently have an old laptop running some Docker containers, including the .arr stack and Plex, plus Immich for photo backups, and a few other odds and ends. Don’t want to break the bank, but I’m looking for something to at least handle transcoding video for Plex.


  • ITX Motherboard
  • Discreet GPU (Max 210mm long, 2 slots thick (max 41mm))
  • SFX Power Supply
  • 140mm chassis fan (Max 30mm thick)

Thanks in advance!

    • @MrQuallzinOP
      17 months ago

      Yup, I’m familiar with PCPartPicker. I can easily go in there and mix and match parts, but was hoping for guidance. Pros and cons for certain parts or manufacturers. Like, I’m reading that an Intel CPU with Quicksync would likely be ideal for Plex transcoding so I’ll probably do that. But do I need a discreet GPU as well, or would the iGPU be good enough?