• stevecrox
    1 year ago

    The EU keeps attacking the UK through petty vindictive actions like this.

    The EU spokesperson clearly knew using Las Malvinas would be perceived as support of Argentina’s claim to the island which would upset the UK.

    He justified it as the UK isn’t a member any longer, so no one was there to object. However in Geopolitics the point of statements is to send a message to the world stage and they knew it would upset the UK.

    Considering none of the Islanders want to to be Argentinian and “winning” would be subjugation and possibly genocide of its people. Someone really should point out to Germans and East European’s that in their zeal to punish the UK, their leaders have directly endorsed such actions

  • @[email protected]
    61 year ago

    I’m not sure what the EU gains by this? Makes me think they aren’t serious politicians. Which is baffling giving the reverse was said of the UK during Brexit talks. At least that was somewhat understandable since the conversation was regarding the UK and the EU. But why has the EU inserted itself into a dispute between Argentina and the UK? What does it have to gain? It’s like a snotty kid at school in a playground shouting from the sidelines “kick him in the head!” then running away.

  • @thehatfox
    51 year ago

    The declaration said: “Regarding the question of sovereignty over the Islas Malvinas/Falkland Islands, the European Union took note of Celac’s historical position based on the importance of dialogue and respect for international law in the peaceful solution of disputes.”

    That sounds like the EU is trying to sit on the fence on the issue, rather than deliberately antagonise the UK. They want to increase trade with Celac nations, and don’t have a stake in the dispute either way so probably see little issue in paying lip service to Argentina.

    It’s still a bit disappointing this dispute refuses to go away though. The Falkland Islanders have made it quite clear what flag they want to live under, and ultimately that feels like all that should matter.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    I’m well aware of the history and of course the war in 84, but I’m sorry I cannot find it in me to give a shit about this rock in another hemisphere with 3,000 tax avoiders on it that costs us a fortune for zero benefit

    If they feel so British them move to Britain, I’d sooner pay to resettle them than have another conflict over it.

    I really don’t see why we need any of these overseas territories, they are mostly tax havens, maybe if they start paying normal taxes like the rest of us then I’ll start considering them like I would consider the rest of us.

    As far as this story, well yeah, that’s what happens when you squander all your soft power and fuck up all your relationships with Brexit.