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Another article that highlighs inherent flaws in the American legal system. How can this potentially be an actual lawsuit? How can “journalists” even entertain reporting on this?

Honestly I’m just posting to laugh at my fellow lemmings responses and watch see how the plaintiff is roasted for not gitting gud.

But, there is a real conversation here around continued ignorance of game development and the value of difficult games as a value proposition. Afterall, the person attempting to sue from did choose to purchase the games willingly knowing they’re not for scrub casuals like themselves.

What do you all think, is difficulty gating content a real issue? Should dev’s have some kind of legal requirement to appease players that can spec a build properly? Is it Thursday and I’m just looking for some easy laughs at a morons expense?

  • SharkEatingBreakfast
    307 months ago

    Frivolous suit. No false claims. No damages. The solution would be to just refund the game, you fool.

    Boy, “news” is really reaching if they’re reporting on a 4ch×n post.

  • Annoyed_🦀
    257 months ago

    NME has searched the docket number listed in the 4Chan post and it doesn’t turn up anything on the Supreme Court’s website, so there’s a good chance the claim hasn’t been filed.

    Probably another 4Chan daydream.

  • HubertManne
    187 months ago

    its not a flaw. its important that anyone can seek redress with the courts. A judge can site contempt of court for frivolous lawsuits.

    • @[email protected]
      187 months ago

      Ok so it’s not about the game’s difficulty itself, it’s about content they imagine is hidden and inaccessible

      • @Andonyx
        17 months ago

        This puts the whole thing in new perspective. This sounds like conspiracy theory and delusion. I almost expect this from Insanepeoplefacebook.

  • @adam_y
    147 months ago

    Strong “man sues book publisher for publishing book containing words he doesn’t understand” energy.

    • @essell
      17 months ago

      difference being If you don’t understand a book it doesn’t stop you reading the rest of it.

      Can you imagine if other media worked like games. If the film paused part way to test if you knew all the characters names or something 😁

      • @adam_y
        37 months ago

        Yeah, you’ve just described what my wife does to me for every film we watch.

        Who is that?

        What did he say?

        Why don’t they just…

  • magic_lobster_party
    107 months ago

    The 4chan poster seems to be more angry about content appearing in concept art books, but is inaccessible in the final game, which is even more unhinged.

    Yes, that’s cut content! It’s not a hidden secret!

  • @Sterile_Technique
    27 months ago

    The only thing difficult about ER is the clunky controls - looks like there are a few mods now that address that -

    I’ve never understood the whole git gud thing for a game like this… I could make Pokemon Yellow ‘difficult’ by taping a sponge to the front of a Gameboy and playing by pressing the buttons through the sponge… but why would you want to do that? Just take the damn sponge off.

    • @GeneralEmergency
      67 months ago

      That’s kinda how the Souls games have always done difficulty. The games themselves are simple, it’s just a 3d Punch Out with stamina.

      And then difficulty is added through the obtuse design. Like the lack of pause button.

      • @Moghul
        47 months ago

        I’ve never had a problem with the lack of a pause button. A lot of other things could be a lot better before that. Elden Ring is my favorite game but it’s ok to criticize the bad UX, terrible m+k controls, one or more bosses cheating at the game (see Malenia’s stagger), bad multiplayer mechanics, etc. I will say though that there is no reason for there not to be a pause button. You can already pause by opening a certain menu tooltip so it’s clearly possible.

      • @the_toast_is_gone
        37 months ago

        Being able to pause the game is one of the reasons Sekiro is the best Souls-esque game that From has made.

    • @[email protected]
      17 months ago

      The only thing I can see (idk if it applies here cause ive never played elden ring) is that sometimes its realism breaking, like bo3 zombies is a joke compared to bo2 cause you can essentially speed boost away by sliding (gaining speed?) Anytime a zombie even comes close. It certainly feels more ‘fluid’ in the way that creative mode makes Minecraft feel ‘more fluid’.

      That being said I’m glad its at least a mod cause having the choice will always be the best and most accessible option

    • @the_toast_is_gone
      07 months ago

      There’s also the insane enemy health+damage spike that happens after you beat Morgott, the poorly-telegraphed attacks, and the chains of attacks that are nigh-impossible to dodge. Also, screw Malenia. Worst boss they’ve ever made. At least that stupid tree in Dark Souls 1 could be done in with a few well-placed firebombs.

      • the chains of attacks that are nigh-impossible to dodge. Also, screw Malenia. Worst boss they’ve ever made.

        I’m gonna take a stab in the dark and say you haven’t figured out how to not die to Waterfowl Dance.

        • @the_toast_is_gone
          17 months ago

          There’s videos about it, but I don’t care enough about ever fighting her again to actually watch them. I’m glad the Haligtree is an optional area, because I would have simply put the game down if it wasn’t. Not like there’s a lineup of stunning best-in-the-genre bosses after her, either.

    • @Viking_HippieOP
      117 months ago


      Personally, I’ve loved playing video games for over 30 years and never gotten GOOD at any. I just avoid soulslikes where the difficulty is a big part of the appeal and instead play other games on easy with tons of mods.

      As a gamer, some games are for you, and others aren’t 🤷

      • @[email protected]
        27 months ago

        I was trying to mock the fanbase which insists that FromSoftware Games would be ruined by anything making them easier, yet claim that the Elden Ring DLC is “too hard”. They don’t want artistic integrity of the creators. They want to be pandered to.

        From what I’ve heard, the DLC isn’t much harder than the base game, considering you’re using the tools the game gives you.

        • @[email protected]
          37 months ago

          I have nothing against the games themselves, but the fanbase is largely the most toxic bullshit community I’ve ever seen.

          • @[email protected]
            17 months ago

            I’m not sure if it’s the major part, or just the most vocal, but yeah: it’s pretty exhausting.

            Which makes it even more fun if the “git gut” crowd complains about difficulty, because they refuse to use game mechanics that make the game easier.

  • @Nuke_the_whales
    -87 months ago

    Hated this game. Played it for about 10 hours and it was ugly, barren, repetitive, outdated, boring. I really don’t understand the appeal, it’s a bad looking game and is so boring my god.

      • @Nuke_the_whales
        17 months ago

        Really? I played for 10 hours and only saw barren wastelands and caves

        • FuglyDuck
          27 months ago

          And the hideous (and/or downright weird) clothing/armor.

          I don’t necessarily mind the “realistic” aesthetic, but let’s be honest, everything is dirty and tattered.

          And it’s not even all that hard.

    • @Dkarma
      47 months ago

      People like difficult games