I haven’t drawn in so long! I want to finish this series of monster skaters up and then I’m thinking stickers!

  • @Creeoyfred
    45 months ago

    I love it, I would be down for stickers. I actually finally actually created an account just to up vote you. Cheers!

  • @[email protected]
    5 months ago

    Woah, such nice linework. Waughhhhhhh, I am like lost in your linework. That’s so fun!

    What app are you using? I was trying to figure it out, but shrugged at the end of the day.

    Lazy guess: Procreate
    Educated guess: Photoshop
    Outta Left-Field Guess: Affinity or (really left field) SAI

      • @[email protected]
        15 months ago

        Ohhh!! ALL SORTS OF OFF! Hahaha! I heard Clip Studio is cool, if it’s what I am thinking it is. You can do animation in it right? I saw it a hundred years ago when checking out VisNovs. I’ll give it a look. Ahh, it’s vector based. I thought it might be because of the shading and the cleanliness. But people really get into their drawings nowadays, and you never know how clean someone can draw you know? Either way, it’s good work =)! Idk if I can’t use CSP, cause it sounds like they only have support for Windows and Mac. Eh. Either way, you done did good!