Been monkeying around with the duelist. I like her a lot. I don’t really care for the challenge armour skill, and the decoy sucked last time I tried so I went with elemtnal. I find it’s not bad (I have grim and blocking), but I’m wondering what the other enchantments (or curses?) do.

  • @p0479
    26 months ago

    I found the shocking skill useful for stunning especially in water. I meant to test the lucky enchantment out in the elemental strike but forgot… what does the blocking and grim do? But yeah a list of them would be good, there may be some weapons worth hanging on for purely for a good elemental strike.

    • Track_ShovelOP
      16 months ago

      Blocking is powerful - I forget to use armour skills a lot - anyway it’s 5 armour per enemy it hits.

      Grim gives you 6-30% chance to insta kill all enemies but the one you’re targetting, but it’s based on hp missing

  • @Riversedgeknight1
    16 months ago

    If you click on the character icon and navigate to the page where it explains what options tengus mask and the crown will give you for your selected class, that info box for the crown will tell you exactly what the elemental strike will do with your equipped weapon.

    • Track_ShovelOP
      16 months ago

      I’m aware, but I haven’t done this for all enchantment combos.