We got this bike for my nephew, but this piece of plastic between the shifter and the brake puts the brake so far away that even i as an adult can only reach it with one finger
The piece seems to be connected to the shifter.
You can bring the resting position of the brake lever closer to the handlebar by turning this screw clockwise. The brake lever looks a bit short for my taste, it’s probably not designed for use with that type of shifter. But with a bit of adjustment it should still be usable.
Thank you, If nothing else works i will do that at least.
Looks normal. Most brakes have an adjuster screw inside the brake handle that you can adjust the distance the lever travels.
Personally I’d change those grip shifters though. They’re prone to breaking.
Looks like you may be able to pop the brake handle off with an Alan key and move it to be above the plastic thing? Not sure the plastic is too thick to operate the brake though if it were above it.
I know those shifters usually have enough space for the brake lever to slide under it but this one in particular looks weird, as it is meant to be used with coaster brakes or something… But i will try to remove it this week.
PS. Thanks :)