• @[email protected]
    507 months ago

    Is it really transphobia if no trans athletes were involved? Or rather plain old misogyny?

    • @[email protected]
      527 months ago

      They couldn’t find any trans people to be mad at so they made them up, to the detriment of two cis athletes. So, both.

    • @FerroMeow
      217 months ago

      The secret is, it is all transphobia, misogyny and racism

    • Flying Squid
      147 months ago

      It’s a side effect of transphobia- cis women who don’t look “feminine” enough getting attacked for not being women.

    • @Ultraviolet
      7 months ago

      The root of it is transphobia because before the Olympics started, they predicted that because trans athletes are allowed like they have been for over 20 years, they’ll dominate every event despite that not happening before and nothing having changed recently. Since that didn’t happen, because admitting that they were wrong is very clearly not an option, they accuse cis athletes that they deem not sufficiently feminine of being trans. People who don’t really follow what’s going on but take the right wing position by default believe them, and it reinforces their biases, so it works as propaganda despite a complete lack of basis in reality.

    • @UnderpantsWeevil
      117 months ago

      Is it really transphobia if no trans athletes were involved?

      Is it a Satanic Panic if Satan doesn’t really exist?

    • @pyre
      67 months ago

      yes. first of all transphobia is very closely linked to misogyny, if not rooted in it.

      but also if bigots were educated they would stop being bigots, so it’s a guarantee that they are fucking illiterate fuckwits.

      and in being so you can’t really expect them to be accurate with their hatred; in fact they are specifically bad at telling people who aren’t like them apart which makes it very easy for them to target the wrong people.

      post-covid cinophobia affected non-chinese asians, as post 9/11 islamophobia affected sikhs and other brown people, as transphobia so often affects cis women who may look a little less than traditional. i can keep going for all kinds of bigotry.

      it doesn’t mean they’re not doing something in the name of hating a specific group just because they’re fucking idiots who don’t know who’s in that group or not.

      • @sandbox
        27 months ago

        There are plenty of highly-educated, highly intelligent bigots. Likewise, there are plenty of people with almost no education to speak of who are opposed to bigotry. Bigotry isn’t about education or intelligence, it’s far more insidious and rooted in our psychology. A lot of it is subconscious - we all have innate in-group bias, for example.

        All of us are susceptible to bigotry, and the best way to prevent it is to be aware that you’re not immune to it and check whether your knee-jerk reactions are justified or not.

        • @pyre
          27 months ago

          i should say educated in related issues. it’s demonstrable that even simple exposure to different kinds of people reduces bigotry.

          people who are bigoted can be educated, of course, but most likely they won’t really know much about the people they’re bigoted against, even when they dedicate their life to thinking about them.

          transphobes for example, barely think about anything other than trans people all day. they start transvestigating cis people as we’ve seen here.

          I’m also not trying to suggest being uneducated automatically makes you a bigot either. some obvious hyperbole has been used.

          • Amanda
            17 months ago

            Exposure doesn’t always help. Most people become less bigoted from exposure but a few double down on their bigotry and get worse. I guess it depends on where your bigotry comes from.

            For example, I’m trans myself and don’t exactly pass. Despite this I’ve faced very little direct bigotry from people. The ones I’ve read as transphobic have all been very well-educated, including a woman with a Master’s degree in humanities who sounded a lot like mid-downfall JK Rowling. She’d clearly been exposed to trans people and the discourse in general, to her detriment.

            Most reasonable people intuitively get respecting people’s wishes to live their own lives. It requires a certain amount of bad personality traits and/or indoctrination for them to believe the lives of others are a threat to them and want to intervene so I think there’s diminishing returns from educating people beyond basic explanations and a few quick etiquette rules of thumb.

  • @FerroMeow
    337 months ago

    Hah, go figure. Russia’s connected to every right wing moral panic, it seems. From trump to migrants to using gender for the purpose of discrediting people of color. It’s always that idiot in Moscow.

    • vvvvan
      7 months ago

      Russia deserves to be booted from the internet at this point. A glorified gas station, home to massive numbers of bots and agitators, allowed to undermine democracies worldwide. Cut the cables. (Install a quick-disconnect? It’s like a series of pipes, right? /s)

      Then we need to deal with poorly moderated sites (like Elon’s) that encourage dis/misinfo and hate to spread, under the guise of “freeze peach”.

      • @[email protected]
        47 months ago

        It is already, from both sides. There’s massive censorship from the inside, with a killswitch already in place waiting for a moment to actually disconnect Russia from the global internet. As well as sanctions and embargoes from every other site, no matter if they’re commercial or not, just because admins couldn’t be bothered implementing anything better than blocking the entire Russian IP range.

        Fuck you for saying this, though. Don’t call to make the lives of anti-war people harder than it already is, you’d just be throwing more fuel into the fire by proving the Russian propaganda to be true.

    • @Ordo_Bellatores
      17 months ago

      Just following 500 years of russian tradition. Spreading those ‘traditional russian values’

  • @CptEnder
    77 months ago

    Damn Russian government big mad huh?

  • @[email protected]
    27 months ago

    I think we can just assume by now that, if there’s any chance there’s would be some momentum behind a protest that could be disruptive to our society, the Kremlin troll factories are going to do their best to rile them up. I suspect things like the fascist protests in the UK and the trucker protests throughout Europe to have been heavily promoted by them to try to weaken and sow dissent in our cultures, Kremlin & China have troll factories churning for this sort of thing 24/7. In Spanish speaking social networks, the push to shove propaganda supporting Maduro in Venezuela has been unreal.

  • @[email protected]
    -37 months ago

    This community when the far-right in the west does something horrible: “I sleep”

    This community as soon as there’s the slightest evidence linking it to Russia: “Real shit”

    Fuck Putin don’t get me wrong, but take some perspective and reflect on the failures of your countries and your systems

      • @[email protected]
        -97 months ago

        I beg you browse through the currently popular posts, took me quite a bit of scrolling to find one post about the far right in England, and that’s after 5 posts attacking Russia (which, again, fair enough)

    • Jeena
      447 months ago

      So what, are you defining what a woman is for the rest of the world or what? Why is it so important if you personally think someone looks like a woman or not?

      • Ogmios
        -427 months ago

        If your world view requires you to proactively hate people for disagreeing with it, as much as is happening here, you might want to reconsider your beliefs.

        • gl4d10
          197 months ago

          my belief that your belief has little impact on the reality?

    • @LovingHippieCat
      447 months ago

      Fuck off bigot. She’s cis. Doesn’t matter how she looks.

    • @[email protected]
      157 months ago

      The question that everyone’s skipping over here to shout at you is this: In your conception, what does a woman look like? You must have a description ready to hand if you’re able to look at this athlete and say “that’s not it”.

      • @TheBigBrother
        -397 months ago

        Maybe I don’t know how women looks but I know how testosterone looks. And definetly she have a lot of it.

        • @[email protected]
          177 months ago

          Well. I tried. That’s not really a good faith response to my question. If you’re not here to talk, you’re here to try and force people to listen. ‘Cept that doesn’t work so hot on the internet 🤣

          See ya, Noisy.

          • @TheBigBrother
            -327 months ago

            Maybe the concept of men and women can be a social construct but if someone do too much testosterone they will always look like someone who done too much testosterone… it’s just science.

            • @[email protected]
              197 months ago

              As a dude who unironically wrote the words “do too much testosterone”, I wouldn’t be invoking science if I were you 🤣🤣🤣

              • @TheBigBrother
                -297 months ago

                Ok then explain me what doing too much testosterone do to someone’s body?

                • @[email protected]
                  197 months ago

                  See, this isn’t how this works. You came in and made a claim. You said the athlete didn’t look like a woman. I asked you what you thought a woman looks like. You shifted the goal posts and said “nah, let’s talk about what testosterone does to the body”. Next you’ll be asking me to prove some bassackward negative I never introduced. I know how this plays out and it’s boring.

                  I’m not following you down this rabbit hole. This is goodbye, my dude.

            • Flying Squid
              37 months ago

              Are you claiming Khelif was doping with testosterone? Because no one official has made such an accusation.

              • @TheBigBrother
                7 months ago

                Think about it, maybe she is doing testosterone as a cheating method thinking “with all this stuff of LGBT+ hype going there is no problem”

                • Flying Squid
                  17 months ago

                  No one has made that accusation but you. So maybe you should think about it.

        • Flying Squid
          87 months ago

          Khelif was not disqualified by the IBA because of testosterone. They will not say what test she took, they will not say who administered it, they will not say the results, but they will say she wasn’t tested for testosterone.

          Does that not strike you as odd?

    • toomanypancakes
      127 months ago

      Not white enough for you, I take it?

      Don’t be gross and weird.