The intrinsic intolerance hidden just beneath the veneer of an accepting society drives us straight to the bottom and splits us in two, whether it be sexuality, race, or lactose. Whoever needs to hear it, it’s okay to be gay, black, or a milk drinker.
Fuck that. Fuck you. Fuck milk drinkers. Oh, you want milkies? Oh, you wanna suck titty juice like a baby? You gonna cry? Gonna piss your pants? Maybe shit and cum?
I’ll be here drinking apple juice with my chicken nuggies and mac and cheese like a REAL big kid
I pray that you might eventually join me in a society beyond lactose intolerance, my wayward friend.
Apple juice is fruit blood which makes you a gay vampire.
Asterion build
Just in case it isn’t sarcasm: You will more sooner die of heart attack than the milk drinker if you overdo it.
Apple juice
Its like tree milk
Yeah, but straight from the carton? In public?
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Sure, if you are a baby cow
So it’s only okay to be gay if I’m a baby cow?
It depends on how you drink it.
I still can’t believe they put that in Mortal Kombat.
Leon was the OG imho
Weird criminals drink milk, normal people drink orange juice.
I prefer both, with breakfast.
A 50/50 mix wakes you up right.
Preferably not in the same cup, but I could get used to that if I had to.
How do you figure?
My partner and I once went as Leon and Matilda for Halloween. I finished off a quart of milk and filled it with pre-mixed negroni cocktai to sneak it into a party as part of my costume. Boy howdy, I was so drunk I was speaking in tongues at the end of the night.
Nice, I never thought of Leon as a costume. Will definitely have this as a option this year
Fucking milk drinker walking around Skyrim.
I can’t help but wonder if people were laughing at something besides the milk. Were they wearing a Sailor Moon outfit, complete with wig?
Would you risk openly laughing at a dude drinking milk, dressed as Sailor Moon?
I’d be too busy masturbating
absolutely not. In the name of the moon (and milk), they’d punish me
Good question. I think I’d just avoid eye contact and laugh with my friends about it later.
No one was laughing, this is all fantasy in OOP’s head
Folks really need to normalize casually drinking milk the same way people drink CO2-infused sugar water. Milk is delicious and a great base source of nutrients.
Move over, Hydro Homies. Now is the time for Milk Mates.
Dani the youtuber promotes milk
I’ll meet you half way with some CO2-infused milk.
Half way would be pilk.
The new better beverage, now in SPORT and DIET!
(The CH comes from the chicken flavor)
Tried that once. Put some milk in the Sodastream.
It was not successful.
Don’t knock it until you try it, I love chocolate soda!
1/4-1/3 of your desired cup size of milk, lots of chocolate syrup, mix until chocolatey. Keep stirring as you add seltzer or it will foam like crazy. It still might foam up a bit until you get the hang of it.
Stupid diabetes and high cholesterol being a thing or id drink this all day…
Relevant video: (51s long)
That’s just unspoiled spoiled milk
OP was drinking milk out of the carton. I’d side-eye someone walking around drinking a 2 liter just as hard.
You’re right, we need water fountains with milk instead
That’s what the hidden fask is for. Grade A Cambodian breast milk.
Don’t they sell 1 pint cartons any more?
need to normalize casually drinking milk
I don’t think I or any rational adult of sound mind and health would look at someone drinking a carton of milk and have anything close to a thought at all, much less a thought of ridicule or judgement. I am not getting or connecting with the persecution complex in this post.
The reason you don’t see people drinking milk as commonly as other drinks is that lactose intolerance is a huge thing, and even if you don’t have a genetic predisposition to lactose problems, as you get older it gets harder and harder to digest. This is why milk is often associated with kids, it’s good for growing bodies but not so much for someone who’s already an adult.
Also, it’s not that refreshing. The fat content makes it feel less hydrating than water or fat-free liquids of any kind.
Found the milk industry guerilla propagandist!
I simp for railroads too! Most energy efficient method of moving anything over a distance too great to bicycle that exists (bikes and ebikes are the only thing more energy efficient per kilometer than trains. So I suppose I also simp for bikes now too)
Milk gives me spicy poops tho
Cow’s milk actually robs you of calcium and on top of that your body isn’t meant to digest animal milk of any sort after the first couple of years of your life. We just force it to for years after it’s no longer a true necessity.
Cow’s milk actually robs you of calcium and on top of that your body isn’t meant to digest animal milk of any sort after the first couple of years of your life.
We just force it to for years after it’s no longer a true necessity.
No one’s forcing you to drink milk.
The Myth That Protein Reduces Bone Health
Despite all the calcium that dairy contains, some believe that its high protein content can cause osteoporosis.
The reason is that when protein is digested, it increases the acidity of the blood. The body then pulls calcium from the blood to neutralize the acid.
This is the theoretical basis for the acid-alkaline diet, which is based on choosing foods that have a net alkaline effect and avoiding foods that are “acid forming.”
However, there really isn’t much scientific support for this theory.
If anything, the high protein content of dairy is a good thing. Studies consistently show that eating more protein leads to improved bone health (4, 5, 6, 7).
Not only is dairy rich in protein and calcium, it’s also loaded with phosphorus. Full-fat dairy from grass-fed cows also contains some vitamin K2.
Protein, phosphorus and vitamin K2 are all very important for bone health (8, 9).
Not only is dairy rich in calcium, it also contains large amounts of protein and phosphorus, all of which are important for optimal bone health.
– Source
I’m sorry, does having genes that explicitly help in drinking milk beyond infancy not count? Not just one gene mind you, several genes, some of while evolved multiple times in different areas. How does that mean “we’re not mean to drink milk after infancy”?
We domesticated grains and legumes around the same time, does this mean bread is bad for us? Are potatoes slowly killing everyone? Is chocolate evil? We’re generalists and have a long history of scavenging, we’re designed to eat whatever we can get including grass, dirt, and carrion. Our immune system and digestive system are both quite good at processing rotting meat compared to most mammals, and we’re much more resistant to toxins too. Dogs are also generalists, yet we regularly eat large amounts of things that will kill them, like onions, garlic, and grapes. We enjoy the taste of natural pest control like mustard and capsaicin. Milk is a rare nutrient dense and safe food compared to what we were usually eating before agriculture.
your body is meant for you to digest anything possible
About 68% of adults in the entire world lose their ability to fully digest lactose. There’s also plenty of other things the body can’t digest what-so-ever.
Cow’s milk actually robs you of calcium
[X] Doubt
Fucking vegan. Fuck off.
Wait until you hear about the ultra processed fad. They make vegans look tame.
Childish comment.
If you don’t like the attitude of my comment you’re really not gonna like the attitude of New Year’s administration.
A lot of people who made themselves dislikable to the childish majority are going to suffer.
Milk is fucking delicious.
Cream and butter is even better!
Walking around eating a stick of butter should not be more socially acceptable, but it might be.
No love for buttermilk? Sure it’s odd on its own, but in a scone, it’s delicious.
Sure, I love scones but never knew they had buttermilk in them. Buttermilk koldskål is very delicious too!
That looks good! I happen to have some extra buttermilk laying around, so thanks kind stranger!
Drinking milk straight from the carton, in public?
Have you no self respect, Anon?
We’re jealous you can drink milk at all without shitting yourself violently.
I think my body started tolerating milk again! Yeah I ate way too much ice-cream this year
Too many lactose intolerant people.
his mistake was that it wasn’t beer (alcohol) /s
Honestly, this reminds me of the “facebook crisis”: it’s forbidden to show a nipple publicly on facebook, but they accept pictures of guns. Really shows you their values and ideals.
Because what will the kids think if they see a gun?
What do you mean with this?
I mean I’d say it’s substantially more appropriate for minors to be seeing pictures of guns than pictures of boobs, and hence why it makes sense that Facebook censors one but not the othet
Ahh if that is how it is.
Then tell me: What will a kid think when seeing boobs?
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Add some kahlua and vodka. You got a White Russian goin’.
What’s a milk drinker like you doing out here? Go home to your mother!